Favorite Moment

My favorite part is when he's at the studio dressed up as the snake guy and then those guys drop the snakes in the back of his truck. Ernest says, "Yeah. I'll count em' later." And then he does that little squealing sound. hahahahahah

What are yours?


I love that part too, also love, "these step mine as well be Mt. everest"


The hyperspace gag at the end with the sleigh


definitively the snake delivery bit, on screen santa claus seem to get in alot of trouble, in "miracle on 34th street" he's on trial, in twilight zone "night of the meek" he's accused of robbery, and in "santa claus conquers the martians" he's kidnapped to mars!

walked a mile in the way,
at the streets of doomsday,
struggle on shaky ground,
today in the shallowness see you walking blind,
wish i could give you the clear sight,
make you see through the bling and style,
i hope something richer you find,
a clear sight out from the shallow ground.
