MovieChat Forums > Cocktail (1988) Discussion > Since IMDB will not accept my review of ...

Since IMDB will not accept my review of this film, here it is.

Sometimes I like to review old movies given that I don’t always have money to make it to the theater. I’ve picked COCKTAIL today because this movie is a giant among movies (a giant, pathetic loser) and never ceases to amaze me with its inexhaustible supply of horrible lines, horrible acting, senseless gratuity, and wastage of celluloid. I’m not sure in which genre to place this movie so I’ll create one: Romantic bartending melodrama.

I think Tom Cruise is ok, and most of his movies are ok (ok means ok—not real good, or pretty cool, simply ok). After you watch this movie, you will wonder how he maintained a career after this and didn’t become the Tim Thomerson of straight-to-video Blockbuster dustbins. You might be asking, “who the hell is Tim Thomerson? That’s exactly the point. I’ll give Cruise credit, he’s got something going on.

As indicated the movie is about bartending and romance. Tom Cruise is a hotshot New York bartender who woos all the women, and men, with his ability to spin bottles and pour drinks at the same time while spouting monosyllabic nonsense, recite poetry, and flash all 32 Crest Whitening formula-treated teeth. First of all; who gives a *beep* about bartenders who spin bottles behind their back and through their legs in the process of mixing a gin and tonic. If I order a gin and tonic, just give me a gin and tonic as fast as possible. I’m there to drink and I need immediate alcoholic refreshment. Reminds me of a show I saw of a bunch of meatheads who actually compete in Las Vegas for “Best Bartender in the World”. They actually practice in their garages spinning bottles around with rubber bars and balancing Jack Daniel’s liter jugs on their heads. One time I was tripping on acid at a bar and bottles started spinning all over the place, been there done that, don’t need it. Here’s a memorable line for you—guy walks into the bar and sees Tom Cruise and his buddy’s bottle spinning brilliance and says, “You’re the hottest bartender in town, you need to work for me”. And so he does.

While there he gives his unforgivable performance of “The Last Bartender Poet”. This qualifies as one of the most comedic and reviling episodes in Hollywood history and makes me embarrassed to be an American and someone who speaks the English language. I can’t remember the whole thing but it goes something like this at the end: “I got your Alabama Slammers, I got your Tijuana Mamas I got your Caribbean Windjammers, I got your Hangover Mananas
Yes, I’m the last bartender poet, and you better know it”. Something like that. He gives this performance in the middle of loud music and dancing at a New York bar. Everyone hushes and gives their ear to this. After he’s through everybody whistles and claps and he bows, at that point I started laughing and guffawing.

First of all, who would think that that was cool?? Second of all, how much idol-praise does Hollywood think that common moviegoers and common people will give. I can just see the director while making the movie, “Its Tom Cruise, they’ll eat this up.” Wrong buddy, I thought it sucked and it makes me think that the people who made this movie, wrote this movie, produced this movie, and the people who even made coffee for the aforementioned are a bunch of fricking losers and should be unemployed right now. They should live in misery and be forced to watch this scene every day of their lives as compensation.

Normally I am a lot more longwinded about films this awful, but I just want to move on from this experience and never look back again, so I’m gonna wrap it up. Don’t ever watch this movie! Unless you and a bunch of drunk friends have a rainy day and absolutely nothing to do. It will make you laugh but after its over you find you can discuss it for days. Tempers will flare, conspiracy theories will be formed, and you will walk away in a state of bewilderment at the negative power of this movie. I’m not gonna give away the end of the movie not because it will be a spoiler, just because its a waste of my time.

I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.


Wow, I cannot believe all the emotion on this page! lmao
I have to say that while I did indeed like this movie alot!
I have enjoyed reading this page even more!
And although I disagree about this movie with Charles
I agree wholeheartedly with most all he has to say to his
I'm just sorry that I missed all the fun!
Keep it up Charles wherever you've gone!


I'm with Charles. I haven't read all his pish (most of the thread though) but his persisting keyboard battering has bought me off.

Cocktail is turd though.

I came to this thread by accident and all you clowns have wrecked nearly an hour of my day. Charles, you especially.

Go Charles. (and that Howling person who wrote so much guff too)


I happened to enjoy this movie very much. I can't believe all the drama on here though. Calm down!!!!


I love this thread. It's cool. What a shame Charles changed his biography - he used to have a couple of unintentionally hilarious short stories on it. No offence, mate.




Nytesprite, your post was brilliant. Obviously well thought-out, and appropriate. Charles, read and note, this is intelligent discourse!


I know a good deal of this is not apparent so far removed from the actual posts(nto to mention deleted posts and pm's), but there were, and still are, samples of other reviews on imdb that I wrote using a similar style to this one. A few of the participants in this thread sought them out and engaged me on those boards (Highlander 2 & Road House are still up, Battlefield Earth has long since disappeared as that board has more traffic), as well as flooding my pm's and emails with various incoherent ramblings.

You seem bright enough. I'm not sure why you would think I would attack you(if that was the inference, though it seemed all inclusive). Any objective viewing of this thread will reveal that I only responded venomously when being subjected to the favored ad hominem silliness that so many of this film's fans(at least, on this message board) fall back on(and even then it is not a given). I don't expect affirmation, but a little bit more perspective(or any perspective at all) is in order.

Anyway, it has been a lovely 2.58 years. Thanks to all the Cocktail message board mutants for keeping the discussion going. Even in absence, you remain in my thoughts.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"


Hi Charles,

I've enjoyed reading this thread. I don't necessarily agree with all the point in our reveiw; however, I think you've made a solid case for your point of view. You really made me rethink my thoughts and opinions on how I watch and critique movies.

Best to you,
Terry G.


From someone as occupied by inane garbage(Big Brother? Yeesh) as yourself I take it as a compliment. No offense.

"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous."


Having read a lot of these posts in my not so precious time, I would like to summarise the following;

-CharlesCastle has a very bitter worldview, somewhat like Mr Smithers. Whilst obviously having some quite astute observations he needs to work on his communication style. It is no good having a great idea if no one wants to listen to you.

-Some people are fans of Cocktail because it is easy to digest

-Some people are fans of Cocktail because the actors are HOT!

-Some people are a mix of the above

-A lot of people love to bitch-text each other because of the way they communicate.

That is all.


Go Charles. (and that Howling person who wrote so much guff too)

Got to release the manic energy somehow... ! *Howls*

"Americans are prudes who left Europe 'cos they hated all the kinky sex"


This post has stretched from 2003 to 2006. Well done Charles.


And now we're into April.....

This is a fantabulous review. Loved it!

Something has to be done, but nothing too original, because hey, this is Hollywood.


Thanks, word girl. I have decided that you are my best friend.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"



Enjoyed your review (which is not to say I either agreed or disagreed with it, folks, so you can stop limbering up your fingers). I was also having fun reading the subsequent exchanges but then realized what I was getting myself into (I hadn't noticed the original post was Oct 2003!).

So...forgive me if this question has already been asked and answered: Why wouldn't IMDb accept your review in the first place?

You don't have to worry about everything going right anymore. That ship has sailed.



It is quite a fun read.

That ground was indeed covered in this exchange with the IMDB user raptors120:

raptors120: I noticed that the title of your original comment was "Since IMDB will not accept my review of this film here it is", do you think that the reason IMDB wouldn't accept your review was that it was total pointless crap!!?.
I would suggest that this is quite possibley the case, may I sugest in this event that you should stop writing your reviews, and concentrate on your day job,(sorry I mean get a job).

CharlesCastle: Well, that could be a reason it was not accepted. On the other hand, a more logical reason(which may or may not be difficult for you to comprehend) might be the fact that the review exceeds the word count limit for IMDB. It may shock you to find out that the IMDB has no editorial policy regarding the exclusion of "total pointless crap".


"Uh oh. Taking a phrase out of a satire and seriously applying it to the real world? Dangerous."


I cant believe it, its still goin on. I went away for 8 or 9 months and its still going! LMAO


I just spent the last hour reading this thread. It was great. Good review by the way.



This movie is about bartending and romance? I think it was going for a little more than that. While I wouldn't say it was a great movie, it is enjoyable. Brian Flanagan dreams of making it big, and with Doug Couglin as his mentor and guide, almost blows it. He finds that life and love are not commodities to be played, but when you are true to yourself, you can find happiness and "success". "CharlesCastle" you sound very bitter and angry about this why would you waste 6 paragraphs on it? You are as bitter, cold and cruel as you described yourself, so why should anyone take you seriously? Watch "Napolean Dynamite" if you want to see a really BAD movie to be so hostile about.

I think you enjoy the attention negativity brings you. Kind of like serial killers, it isn't so much the crime, but the attention they get from having committed them. That's why you have been so diligent in responding to every negative comment about/to you. Your posts about loving the criticism you've generated was a dead giveaway.


Don't lost this thread man! It's classic. Hope you're well Charlie boy.


Keep circulating the tapes.

"If you are mean enough to steal from the blind, help yourself."


Actually, I know exactly who Tim Thomerson is, and I happen to think he is as good as any other actor. I particularly enjoyed him in Rhinestone as Barnett Kale.


And I thought this review was hilarious.


This thread was more entertaining than Cocktail, Roadhouse, Ghost and Top Gun combined. What a hoot!! Side splitting lmao!! Charlie, it's almost 2007 would love to hear from you.


You sir, are an idiot.... I don't kow how many times you have used spellcheck to make up for your fat, cheeto end-crusted fingers pressing numerous buttons at the same time.... Put down your bag of fritos, wipe off that taco bell reaking fingers and at get a life.... You are truly the decline of western civilization... Get back to work and stop wasting your bosses money. If I owned this website I would delete your account, not just your messages.... anyways, I have to get back to watching little people big world.if I'm not mistaken your parents told you to move out 6 years ago....flip off your copy of Highlander II and go get some action pal... I know getting called out can get anyone fired up, but take it easy...and don't even try 'cause you got nothin'.


People - I have started a brand new thread in homage to Charlie entitled **Celebrate 3 Years of Charles Castle's Review**

Please contribute to it!


Charlie well done three years i rememebr the thread when it first came out i was in my teens im now 22 and going to jamaica for my own brian flanaghan adventure!


That guy responded to call me an idiot, amd instead he responded to you, while prowling the Cocktail message board on Christmas day. That is too awesome for words.

This thread is like a well managed game of The Sims. I can go away for months at a time and the hilarity factor rises exponentially any way.

"If you are mean enough to steal from the blind, help yourself."


and I thought I opened a can of worms when I said that the 'Growing Pains' sitcom sucked.
It's great to push people's buttons here, isn't it? Especially when it's unintentional.
As for Cocktail: it did suck then, it sucks today and it'll suck tomorrow.



This is the funniest thread in the history of the innerwebz.
