best line?

I liked "[God] we lived by your teaches, I beat it into them"
"woods is woods" made me laugh for some reason too


I like it how when Cynthia just gets out of the hospital for letting her baby drown and the doctor told Jeff to be caring and give her a lot of love.
Then when he thinks Terri drowns he says " Why the hell didn't you help her, she could have drowned." Hilarious.


WOW there are sooo many great 1 liners

well for starters My Fav is when Fanny Say's Im Gonna Be 12 lol hahaha are u kidding or

when Lynn says I still want to know when Im gonna get off and Rob replys dont worry we'll get you off

or Terri was like wanna go scub diving and rob says I only dive for muff hahahaha oh i love that movie its great

Your All Doomed


"That's why you're so god damned big!" The way that line is delivered is pure comedy.


Ma (referring to Fanny): When she's good, she's very, very good, but when (camera cuts to Lynn in another room) she's got to be at LEAST fifty!

Banga goes anotha kanga on the bonnet of the RIP CAGE!


I loved it when Ma told them "You go on back to your dancing if you like, I just love to watch the young folks doing the new steps, you know The Charleston"


"There will be no devil's play in this house!" I love how vehemently Rod Steiger delivers this line.

I write bios, therefore I am.


