MovieChat Forums > American Gothic Discussion > *~* The Whole Movie *~*

*~* The Whole Movie *~*

Even though I just stumbled upon it one night at blockbuster a few months ago I just wanted to say that AG is one of the cheesiest but great slasher flicks ive ever seen.... I just wanted to list my top 10 favorite parts in the movie.
(In no particular order)

1) The Fact That all but paul goes to look around the island LOL...
* who does that why dont they all go or at least have some one stay there with him???

2) The Fact that when they meet ma & pa that they stay there for a while but dont let paul know that they are staying there...
* after all the weird stuff that goes on why dont they just leave but yet they stay there.. and the end i love this line Jeff: Come on Cynthia were moving out... moving out did they even really move in??

3) When Cynthia & Lynn meet fanny and fanny tells them that shes gonna be 12..
* Come on now lol she must really be mentally unstable for her to belive that she is gonna be 12 years old..

4) When Rob goes off the cliff...
* The whole song "Rob's gonna ride our swing" then he starts crying LOL

5)When Lynn gets mad because Pa ridicules her about her smoking and then she's like Fine and slams the door.
* ok first of all who just lights up a smoke in a strangers house with out asking them first if its ok to smoke.

6)When fanny shows cynthia her mummified baby and asks her to give it a kiss..
* who in their right mind would kiss a mummified baby.. thats when i would have been like ok wierd people lets get out of here.

7) The Whole flash back of Cynthias baby.....
* I understand shes grieving about the death of her baby... but who in their right mind would leave thier baby in the tub by their self.. then in the one scene she tells jeff to hold on and goes check the food on the stove

8) When Teddy comes into the picture...
* Hes just as dumb as they come

9) When Cynthia pretends to be one of them... by being just as weird
* In all actuallity I really think she lost it just because shes been through so much.. even though she basically sat through all her friends being killed

10) When Cynthia just starts killing the whole family...
* She started by killing Fanny with the babys bathtub..and continued to kill all of them.. but before pa got killed did you realize that he only seemed to care about fanny not ma not woody not teddy just fanny??? Hmmmm??

Let me know one or some of your favorite parts or lines... :)



Well, there are some of us on this board who want to uncover the secret of "What in hell happened with Paul?" Like you said, 1) why was he left behind 2) why didn't they tell him they were spending the night 3) who killed him, when, and how?

The mystery of Paul remains.

If everyone around here is going to start telling the truth, I'm going to bed


i think alot of people just look @ it like another horror movie but its just soo much more than that its one of those ones that make you think what the hell were they thinking when they made this movie LOL


one of my other favorite scenes is when terry goes scuba diving why would you want to go scuba diving when you are stranded on a strange island... and give up on fixing the plane only after one day LOL i mean seriously those people were just not all there LOL


Well its been a while since any one posted on this board... just wanted to say that i just watched this movie again like for the umteenth time and it still get me laughing... if you ever watched this movie you would realize that is one of the classics... i also forgot to mention that one of the strange things was if you remember that pa and ma both said they dont believe in gas and radios and all that technology ok but if they didnt belvie in gas why would they belive in a boat a boat that they kept which also brings up the question they dont work and im sure they never did but how the heck did they get food and clothes and all that stuff like records and what ever ??? hmmmmm

" Your Doomed, Your All Doomed ", "It's Got A Death Curse!!"

*~* Crazy Ralph From FT13th*~*


I don't know all the solutions, but as for the boat, it clearly belonged to one of the 'dolls' downstairs (as Pa reminisces about it when they show the collection to Cynthia). As for food, I don't know how they'd have red meat in the house (or indeed what the meat was) - the scene in which Cynthia refuses to join the 'clean plate club', but in the scene right at the end, Pa returns from the hunt having bagged himself a hare or a rabbit. As I understand it, they don't believe in any technology that would open up the outside world to them - following from this, a shotgun would be OK, but not a radio. Even the boat is Okayish since it would be at their behest to make contact with the outside whereas the radio 'intrudes' into their world....


the thing about her lighting a cigarette just like that without asking, its totally normal if you consider the fact that shes snobby, thinks her hosts are total losers and clearly doesnt care about them.

I loved this movie, I was channel surfing one saturday afternoon on a hang-over after a party and saw that a movie had just started but I had missed the title. I had no idea what to expect. I always enjoy movies a lot more when I know nothing about them.


It's also a 1988 movie and smoking etiquette was different then. (Still rude, just not as amazingly outlandish.)

Me? I aim to misbehave.


My favourite scene is when she screams "give me my baby!!!" to Fanny and then the head comes off when they are pulling at it. And Fanny's death scene is the most hilarious thing Ive ever seen! I laughed so much!

It has some great classic lines: "dont ya wana be in the clean plate club?"


Just revisited this last night after a lot of years. To answer the SexyThang's questions...

1) The Fact That all but paul goes to look around the island LOL...

True. Why does he need to watch the plane? There's obviously no one around to steal it. Doesn't work anyway.

2) The Fact that when they meet ma & pa that they stay there for a while but dont let paul know that they are staying there...

True as well. The screenwriters sort of forget him for a while. I guess it's to set up finding him dead as a shock at the end.

2) continued.....and the end i love this line Jeff: Come on Cynthia were moving out... moving out did they even really move in??

"Move out" or "moving out" is an expression for leaving. Like in a military movie, sometimes they'll say "We're moving out!" when stuck behind enemy fire. Just means it's time to go.

3) When Cynthia & Lynn meet fanny and fanny tells them that shes gonna be 12..

Well, this is a given that she's nuts.

4) When Rob goes off the cliff...
* The whole song "Rob's gonna ride our swing" then he starts crying LOL

Didn't really cry, more like screamed in terror knowing he was going to die.

5)When Lynn gets mad because Pa ridicules her about her smoking and then she's like Fine and slams the door.
* ok first of all who just lights up a smoke in a strangers house with out asking them first if its ok to smoke.

Lynn is a rude beeotch. She's going to do what she wants.

6)When fanny shows cynthia her mummified baby and asks her to give it a kiss..
* who in their right mind would kiss a mummified baby.. thats when i would have been like ok wierd people lets get out of here.

Well, she doesn't attempt to kiss it, she faints. And they're sort of stuck there at the mercy of Ma and Pa.

7) The Whole flash back of Cynthias baby.....
* I understand shes grieving about the death of her baby... but who in their right mind would leave thier baby in the tub by their self.. then in the one scene she tells jeff to hold on and goes check the food on the stove

New mothers can be unknowledgable about these things. It happens.

9) When Cynthia pretends to be one of them... by being just as weird
* In all actuallity I really think she lost it just because shes been through so much.. even though she basically sat through all her friends being killed.

Another given. Which is why the baby thing snaps her out of it and she realizes she has to kill all of them.

10) When Cynthia just starts killing the whole family...
* She started by killing Fanny with the babys bathtub..and continued to kill all of them.. but before pa got killed did you realize that he only seemed to care about fanny not ma not woody not teddy just fanny??? Hmmmm??

Well, Fanny's his "little girl", he may have had more of an attachment to her than the others. The fact that he just sits there and screams is more of a question. Who does he think did it? How? Who just showed up? Figure he'd go storming the woods with his shotgun, or put it together that Cynthia---the new outsider---did it. He just kind of casually sees her playing dead on the bed, w/o checking the body.

11) one of my other favorite scenes is when terry goes scuba diving why would you want to go scuba diving when you are stranded on a strange island... and give up on fixing the plane only after one day LOL i mean seriously those people were just not all there LOL

Nothing better to do, why not scuba? My question is that it looks pretty cold, windy, and cloudy, not ideal climate conditions to get into freezing cold water. The thing with the plane...we don't know Jeff's expertise on fixing planes. Probly just has a basic knowledge of it, and can only do so much. Which prompts them to explore the island for help.

12) i also forgot to mention that one of the strange things was if you remember that pa and ma both said they dont believe in gas and radios and all that technology ok but if they didnt belvie in gas why would they belive in a boat a boat that they kept which also brings up the question they dont work and im sure they never did but how the heck did they get food and clothes and all that stuff like records and what ever ???

Long answer. They obviously have these things around, but are sickos that'll only believe in what they need to or want to at the time. They were Jeff about gas, because when Teddy bombs the speedboat, he takes a gas canister out from inside a hole in some wood.

My assumption is that Ma and Pa lived in "civilization" probably until the kids were born. Then either by boat or plane, discovered the island, built a home there, began their fundamentalist wackjob lifestyle, hiding from the real world. They either boat into the city or someone does fly in raw meat, food, whatever. Can't kill him otherwise they'd starve. Everyone else gets it.


What I would really like to know is, Where the heck did the mummified baby come from??? If it really is Fanny's baby, who the heck got her pregnant.

And did anyone think of the possibility that Fanny was once in Cynthia's position. Maybe she's turning 12 because she joined the family 12 years ago...I can't understand how else she could believe she was that age.


Fanny got pregnant to her brother, Teddy. Remember the scene after she's watching Cynthia and Jeff and then she turns around and looks at Teddy and he says something like "Pa would whoop me bloody, like last time!" and she says "I don't want you... I don't need Woody either... I want Jeff!" So, yeah... I'm assuming that Teddy is the dad since there was a "last time."

Also, Fanny believed that she was that age because she had no idea what "age" actually was since she had no contact with the outside world... ever. She just believed everything that Ma and Pa told her.

I know you are, but what am I?


My favorite part about this classic would have to be Pa's dialogue. (Please take note that this is all from memory)


Pa: Just a second! You hitched?

Mark: Hitched?


Mark: No?

Pa: Then where do you think you're going?

Mark: Going to bed to get our 40 winks.

Pa: NO YOU'RE NOT!!! There will be no devils play in this house!


Pa: Hi there!

Mark: Morning.

Pa: Had your breakfast yet?

Mark: Yeah thanks. Listen, when is that guy gonna come with the boat?

Pa: Huh? Oh..OH YEAH.. He'll be comin' around.. that is IF he comes.

Mark: What do you mean if?

Pa: Well ya see there's a good if and there's a bad if. If he come, that's a good if, if he don't come that's a bad if. You should learn to read the good book.. HE WHO WAITS GETS!



Considering you are on here reading the comments in the first place, the movie must have intrigued you a little. This was a laughable film at best but it was most definitely not stupid *beep* as you say.


I agree why else would he post here. As far as the meat they were eating at dinner, I always felt it was implied they were eating the bodies of other people they have killed.


Just watched this again lastnight... I've known of this movie for 10 years, but never noticed this before... the opening scene shoes Cynthia behind the bars on the back of chair making it look like she's in prison... maybe her "own prison" and then at the end when she's rocking the cradle, the camera goes back down and it shows Cynthia behind the bars of a chair in Fanny's room.

No big deal, just thought it was cool.

I know you are, but what am I?


Yeah I thought that was pretty cool too. In the opening scene with the chair I always feel so sad for her.



Poor Paul. Nobody cares about him even after they find food and a place to sleep. They don't even bother to let him know one of his friends is dead. They should have left Rob behind with his mullet and his "great" dance moves. But does anyone else wonder why the kids just keep popping up everywhere? When they sit down for dinner, none of the kids are there. What, they don't feed them? I think my favorite part is when Paul says "woods are woods" and turns on that music and goes "yeah"!


hahaha yeah i love this movie its just sooo freackin funny. Your right poor paul nobody cared bout him and he looked kinda sad when they left. ur also right they dont feed the kids!!!!! It's tooo much too too much

Your All Doomed


7) The Whole flash back of Cynthias baby.....
* I understand shes grieving about the death of her baby... but who in their right mind would leave thier baby in the tub by their self.. then in the one scene she tells jeff to hold on and goes check the food on the stove


I don't know if anyone's mentioned these here, but:

I love the part when Cynthia flips out and starts killing the family, she stops to steal cookies out of the cookie jar. I just thought this part felt extra demented.

And, also: I love how, once his entire family's been decimated, Pa does a total 360 and yells an allegiance to Satan just before he gets picked off, too.

Fun stuff! :)

"All humans are fools to some extent. At least, I'm a clever one." - me


I know, he just realised that God doesn't give a *beep* and renounced him, only then to cross over and become a Satan worshipper, groan. Good film.


This movie isn't really a slasher.
