MovieChat Forums > Wall Street (1987) Discussion > Things we've learned from watching Wall ...

Things we've learned from watching Wall Street

Greed is good.

Lunch is for wimps.

Ollie is Gordon's Terminator.

The most valuable commodity is information

Stick to the fundamentals whereas good things sometimes take time.


Wasps love animals they can't stand people.


Never get emotional about stock; it clouds judgment.

Marvin offers Bud The Knicks and Chicks.

Selling a property for a huge profit can be better than sex.

Darryl Hannah may be bad in this movie, but she has the best swimsuit in movie history.

Gordon is not a destroyer of companies; he is a liberator of them!


Bud's dad has another 20 years.

Gordon likes Cuban cigars.

If you need a friend, get a dog.

Choocheechoo choocheechoo choocheechoo ya ya pow!



Gordon doesn't throw darts at a board, he bets on sure things.

Stop sending Gordon information and start getting him some

Well you TAKE IT! Right in the azz you focking scumbag cawksucker!

Sun-tzu: If your enemy is superior, evade him. If angry, irritate him. If equally matched, fight, and if not split and reevaluate.

Money's only something you need in case you don't die tomorrow.


....a fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.....


Gordon prefers liquid. Lots of it.

800 thou is a day's pay for Gordon.


Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life by creating something special instead of living off the buying and selling of others.

Carl lives his life by not sleeping nor waking up with whores.

Gordon uses everyone by having their pricks in his back pocket but they're too blind to see it.

American Express have hitmen looking for you when you're all tap out.

On receiving a promotion, the moment your boss laid eyes on you, he knew you had what it takes to succeed but when you get arrested, the moment he laid eyes on you he knew you were no good.


always talk on the phone when looking at sunrises.

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

Life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

The main thing about money is that it makes you do things you don't want to do.

When you've had money and lost it, it can be much worse than never having had it at all

"There came into Egypt a Pharaoh who did not know." is not a Proverb, it's a prophecy.


SOMEONE's got to pay.... but it ain't gonna be Lynch
