MovieChat Forums > Suspect (1987) Discussion > Kathleen Riley??? Cher looks 100% Armen...

Kathleen Riley??? Cher looks 100% Armenian

I was surprised to find out that Cher is only half-Armenian (her maiden name was Sarkisian). It's funny that her character is someone with a name as Irish-Catholic as they come. But I'm glad the producers of the movie chose her, because she lookes beautiful. She was only 40 years old when they filmed this.

I'm Armenian myself (don't mind my screen name).


She is also supposed to be part Cherokee!

Its that man again!!


Heaven forbid someone has an Irish-Catholic name and doesn't fit the stereotype of what an Irish-Catholic looks like! What are they supposed to look like anyway? I certainly cannot pick out a Catholic based on their looks. Catholicism isn't a race or limited to one particular country. You can't tell me there are no Catholics in Armenia. How does the Armenian-Catholic stereotypically look different from other Armenians??? Do tell!

You know that Cher is only half Armenian in real life. I'm sure you've seen pics of her blond mother and sister. So why does Kathleen Riley have to be 100% Irish simply because of her name?? What if only her father was Irish? What if she was divorced and kept her married name? What if she changed her name because it was something hard to pronounce like Mkrtchyan? What if she was adopted? Abandoned? Grew up in a Catholic orphanage?

Furthermore, I doubt that many people even heard of Armenia let alone know what an Armenian is supposed to look like. If you mean Cher looks like a ho like all the Kardashians...well then she does look 100% Armenian. How does that stereotype fit in with the movie? Do we recast with someone who looks more Irish to you or do we change the character's backstory to having a sex tape with several Black men?

Did you complain on the Moonstruck page that Cher doesn't look Italian-Catholic enough for you?

It's just a movie. It shouldn't freaking matter.

The people you idolize wouldn't like you.


Oh, I love this comment. And yes, she does look very Armenian.


Hey, maybe her mother married an Irishman!
