Not in bottom 100??

How is this movie not in the top (bottom) 100 worst movies ever? This film is truly awful. Anyone who's seen it can attest. It's actually so bad it's good. It will stick in your memory forever. Or at least the image of a shirtless Jon Mikl Thor wrestling rubber starfishes


I think it's just too good for bottom 100 lists... One of those films that's so completely and utterly awful that it's totally hilarious and absolutely brilliant!



I just watched this for the first time. Actually, how can I say the first time? That would imply the possibility of watching it again. If I were tied to a post with toothpicks holding my eyelids open and this movie showing, my brain would internally sever my optical nerves to avoid it. Gaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... what... did I just... watch?!??? LOL!!





It was on Bottom 100 few years back, but since then, there were dozens of worse movies out there.

RnRN now looks like masterpiece compared to some of those others.

I mean, really, how can you not give it at least 2 more "stars" after witnessing that ending of RnRN? It's one of those endings that you can't believe unless you witness it. xD


Horribly enough, I actually liked the 'twist' to it. That's the only redeeming thing, well, that and some nice boobies, of course. ^_^

But in any case, usually the stuff i give a 1 to has nothing redeeming about them, and there are enough of them for that.


It was a personal project of Jon Mikl Thor from the cheesy band Thor and only cost $53,000 so you can't expect the proficiency of “Trick or Treat” (1986). It’s not even in the same ballpark.

There’s just way too much dull filler wherein certain scenes are extended for no reason, like the tedious shots of the van driving on a lonesome Canadian road near the beginning. The script, by Jon Mikl Thor, needed improved to flesh out the characters and details of the story. It’s just too thin and slapdash to be compelling.

Thankfully, there is some entertainment value if you’re in the mood for cartoonish horror in the mold of the first two “Evil Dead” flicks crossed with 80’s rock/metal. For instance, the songs are actually catchy in a Motley Crue meets Dokken, Ozzy and Alice Cooper vein, such as “Lend Me Your Ears,” “We Live to Rock” and “Energy.” Meanwhile Denise Dicandia as Dee Dee, the keyboard player, stands out on the female front, but it’s clear the filmmakers didn’t know how to shoot women (not tawkin’ about nudity or sleaze, although there's a bit o' that).

When I found out it only cost $53,000 I had more compassion. If they had double that amount this would’ve been a decent micro-budget flick. Jon Mikl Thor is a go-getter and you have to respect his determination to make things happen regardless of the limited resources. This is excellently chronicled in the documentary “I Am Thor” (2015), which I highly recommend as it’s all-around entertaining, amusing and even inspiring.
