MovieChat Forums > Raising Arizona (1987) Discussion > Easily one of the worst movies I've ever...

Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Aren't movies labeled as comedies supposed to be at least a LITTLE bit funny? There wasn't anything even remotely humorous about any scene in this entire crapfest.

And holy god could the yodeling music scene have been any more obnoxious and drawn out? It's like this movie was made with the sole intention of irritating the viewer. And if that wasn't enough, why was there so many unnecessary, drawn out screaming scenes? They would just sit there, screaming, 5 minutes at a time. I wanted to tear my ears off.

I wish I wasn't so stubborn that I insist on watching movies through to the end to try and find redeeming qualities. This is one where I really wish I had listened to my gut instinct and shut it off after 15 minutes never to watch again. Uuuuugh.

I think this is the first Nic Cage movie that I can say was legitimately terrible but not because of him!



"Why was there so many unnecessary, drawn out screaming scenes?"

Because, for one thing, they´re funny. For another, they're thematically relevant ie necessary.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I, personally, LOVED this movie, seeing it in the theatre and then buying the VHS and then, later, the DVD.

However, I see your point. What you've said mirrors my mom's opinion. She never liked this movie! To each his/her own, right?

Be excellent to each other!


I've watched it many times. A favorite. 9/10.
Frances McDormand
John Goodman
Holly Hunter

Love them.


I'm all for acknowledging other people's taste when it comes to movies - I realize RA isn't necessarily everybody's thing. But if you really think this is one of the worst movies ever, then either you haven't seen many movies or there is something wrong with you.


Haha, this is a Coen brothers movie, not a Nicolas Cage movie.. Back at the time when their characters were crazy stereotypes rather than confused smart people like today. "Son, you got a pantyhouse on your head" cracked me up. And so did a lot of other scenes. That crazy motorcyclist were bith scary and absurdly funny to me whwn I was a kid


Do they turn into funny shapes?

No, not unless round is funny.


It's definitely not the worst movie, I would say its mediocre compare to other coen's movie.. Of course Nicholas Cage Can't act no matter who directing him.. But the movie was often funny and wit except John Goodman's screaming.. I gave it a 7/10..


The heck do you mean "Nicolas Cage can't act"? He's funny here, but even much funnier in Vampire's Kiss and Port Of Call - New Orleans. And some of his dramatic work ain't too shabby, either.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I think this is the first Nic Cage movie that I can say was legitimately terrible but not because of him!

sheeeiit.. thats all you had to say! If you like Nicolas Cage enough to refer to him as 'Nic' you just went Full-Douche.. Never go Full-Douche

I'm gonna learn ya my philosophy


Hey man, how do you know they aren't hanging out on the couch with Nic, smoking a bowl? And Nicolas is all "Naw man, call me 'Nic', not not 'Nicolas.'

Except, thing is: Nicolas Cage knows when you put the "k" on the end of "Nic" even when speaking.

Ironically, he'd grown so fat only work-out pants would fit him.


"I think this is the first Nic Cage movie that I can say was legitimately terrible but not because of him!"

There are so many terrible Nicolas Cage movies these days... this movie is certainly not one of them.


I disagree- this is one of the funniest movies ever. Other funnies are Caddyshack, the burbs, Ace Ventura and Austin Powers movies.

So what movies do you think are funny?



I've been wondering the same, why people love this movie so much. Not funny at all when released and up to today. I found all of the performances incredibly annoying, especially Holly Hunter. Just a bad movie. I do love the Coen brothers' movies, just not this one. Burn After Reading is superb.


You mean, let me understand this ? cuz I ? maybe its me, maybe I?m a little *beep* up maybe. It's not funny how? I mean not funny, like it doesn't have a clown? It doesn't amuse you? It doesn't make you laugh? It's here to *beep* amuse you? Whattya you mean not funny? Not funny how? How is it not funny?


This is the funniest movie I've ever seen. It has been my favorite movie for twenty plus years.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou is a serious challenger.
Burn After Reading, as mentioned by another person, is very, very funny, too...isn't Brad Pitt in that? That's probably the only Brad Pitt movie I actually like.
