MovieChat Forums > Outrageous Fortune (1987) Discussion > Yet Another 'Favorite Quotes Thread'

Yet Another 'Favorite Quotes Thread'

What are your favorite quotes from this movie?

Here are some of mine:

When they first audition:
"Actors are just *beep* who get paid for it."

Next day at the talent agency:
"That kind of night, huh?"
"Not the kind you're used to. No money changed hands."

In the smoke shop:
"How about a blowjob?"
"Right here, right now."

In the whore house:
"No way, I'm not the virgin, he is."
"What you go tell her that for?"

"Was it as good for you?"

End of the movie:
"Nine years of ballet, A$$H0LE!"


(looking in the mirror) RATWOMAN!


In the morgue identifying the dead body. Bette midler saying something like "don't you recognise the man you buffed?"
shelly long looking very annoyed with her nose up in the air saying:
"excuse me, i don't buff! I have never buffed!


My favorite:

Lauren: [after Michael has fallen from one of the Four Fingers, a leap Lauren made with a grand jété] Nine years of ballet, *beep*

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


My favorite:

This is after Sandy and Lauren have tied Stan and the CIA guys to a cactus in the desert and made off after Michael

ATKINS: Stan, looks like you'll be facing a KGB tribunal

STAN: (groans)

ATKINS: Unless you'd like to make an arrangement

STAN: Would such an arrangement include unlimited expense account?

ATKINS: (nods yes)

STAN: Condo on the Potomac?

ATKINS: (nods again)

STAN: RRRRRRRRRRedskins season tickets?

ATKINS just stared incredulously


Hilarious, this so-called loyal KGB operative, seduced by capitalist pig US amenities!

And I don't have to have been there to know that when Stan's last line was uttered in theaters in the Washington D. C. area, it was followed by such a roar from the crowd that they probably missed the next few lines of dialogue.


All good lines

Mine was
""That has got to be the biggest crock I have ever had the pleasure of listenting to. Where did you need to get to?" and "9 years of ballet @55 hole ! "
