Such a great movie!

This movie is so can it have a 5.6 rating?
It's so original and such a good story.


John Lithgow learned the error of his conservative ways and became one with Nature. If only more Trump Supporters took this message to heart the world would be a better place....Ravaged with disease


It's terrific... such a great family film and classic!


Love this movie! Loved it as a kid and just watched it on Netflix. They loved it! Its a great family movie that brings laughter and tears. It for sure deserves a better rating.


I must admit I gave this movie a miss as a teenager when it came out. I just thought it looked too dumb and childish for me at the time. However being a big John Lithgow fan, I finally decided to watch it after all these years. I must say I found it enjoyable and admit that I missed out by not bothering to watch it in previous years. Perhaps a bit of nostalgia for the 80s drove me to finally watch it, but I can say quite categorically that I was pleasantly surprised at how good it actually was. 8/10 from me.
