
Why is this only rated a 5.6? I loved this movie when I was a kid and I still love it. I also think the costume for Harry was absolutely magnificent! Especially the facial features.


Some people are joyless, heartless jerks.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.

But seriously, people comparing this to E.T.? The acting is sub-par at best. It's goofy, not funny. The directing and writing are so poor it hurts. The soundtrack.

I see people rating this a 10! As in one of the all time greatest movies (Lawrence of Arabia, E.T., Casablanca etc.) It's not. At all. A 5.6 is generous if you ask me. I think the only reason people are rating this so high is nostalgia of watching this as a kid and the sentiments attached.


Its funny too.


I grew up on this movie and feel this movie deserves at least a 7.2 rating, I even love it as an adult as I did as a child.


I'd give it a 7/10
