Train station

As far as I know, trains to Colchester/ Norwich go from Liverpool Street.

The station in the film looked more like St Pancras, is that correct?

Like stepping back in time, watching that film, really enjoyed it.


The Station reminded me of the one that is seen in the begining credits of 'Porridge'. But was it actually the real Colchester station that the Russian spy and Caine got off at after the train journey?


have just looked at filming locations page, I was right.

Looks pretty much like it was Colchester station, have a look at google images for "colchester station"


I suspect that they used St Pancras because, at the time, it was the only London terminus station where road vehicles could drive virtually the whole length of the the platform - in particular - taxi cabs for the convenience of passengers. In the film it permitted the stunt where Preston jumps out of the Rover car and on to the back of the train.

Now that St Pancras is the Eurostar terminal, all that has stopped.


Yes, St. Pancras for sure. Iconic building. And as the poster said here, it was configured where before its rehab, a car could drive onto the platform---that gave us that amazing stunt!

Last time I was there though,at just about the location inside where the racing car makes a guy jump aside to get away....i was sitting in a very nice chair at a table enjoying a martini in the posh bar that is there now..............:-))))
