MovieChat Forums > The Fourth Protocol (1987) Discussion > So the point of the ending was.....

So the point of the ending was.....

That the department heads of both the KGB and the MI5 'belong in a f-cking museum.'


What the... I didn't have any CORN!



andrewmcdonaldgloucester explains it very well but I always thought this film had a weak ending (well it's kind of an epilogue), especially the bit where he walks back to his car (Jaguar XJ6) and sees his son has gone - could he have been snatched by those nasty KGB agents - oh wait! There he is next to a tree. "We're we going, dad?" "Home!" (lifts son into the air) - Roll credits with cheesy old music.

"That the department heads of both the KGB and the MI5 'belong in a f-cking museum."

I think Ian Richardson's character was supposed to be the head of the whole of MI6. Caine worked for MI5.


The point was the Cold War was a very delicate balancing act, and it wasn't in either side's interest to do ops that disrupt the balance.
Preston was angry because he viewed this entire exercise as personal ambitions at work, with Karpov and Irvine were interested at using the crisis to further their careers.

