MovieChat Forums > The Fourth Protocol (1987) Discussion > The scene near the beginning with Sir Ni...

The scene near the beginning with Sir Nigel Irvine and George Berenson.

When Sir Nigel along with John Preston confronts Berenson in his home and puts him right about just what exactly he's done. Absolutely magnificent acting from Ian Richardson, isn't it?


As always - Ian Richardson was superb in this sort of role viz. House of Cards series.


Yeah, as I recall, Sir Ian didn't blink in that scene. He looked incredibly focused.



He was such a great actor, probably one of the best we (the British) had until he sadly died at the not that old age of 72.


But you Brits have always had such magnificent actors!! just look at the other Ian's who still grace us with their great performances.. Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Ian Holm.


false flag placement ?
I remember him saying it was a good move for a false flag placement - when they were sitting in the car.
what does that mean ?




A False Flag operation is when two opposing sides, like the Soviets versus the British (and Americans), create and perpetrate some kind of major incident themselves, that can be crafted to look as though the other side did it.

As in the case of this film, it was a classic false flag. The Soviets were planting a bomb to go off at a US base on British soil, knowing the bomb would be attributed to having been an accident that happened on the American base and would be seen as done by the Americans.

The purpose was to damage the NATO alliance so badly after this "American" bomb went off, that it would break down the NATO agreement, because its largest member, the U.S., would be seen as persona non grata in Europe.

Good bye NATO, the Soviet's most hated group then.


Ian Richardson was harsh in this scene. I quote it regularly.
