MovieChat Forums > Fatal Attraction (1987) Discussion > Why Did Ellen Look and Act Like a Boy?

Why Did Ellen Look and Act Like a Boy?

I mean seriously, what was with that?


Yeah I thought she was a son when I first saw her. But boy she is cute as a BUTTON! I actually found it really endearing that she dressed like a boy.. it made her feel more real as a lot of little girls are tomboys. In hollywood they always make the daughter the little "princess", all in pink and curly hair (bleh). I actually loved Ellen so much that I cried when she witnesses her parents fighting and hugs her stuffed animal. One of the cutest kids I ever saw in a movie!



In hollywood they always make the daughter the little "princess", all in pink and curly hair (bleh).

How you ever seen any of Jodie Foster's movies when she was young? The only movie I saw of her as a child with curly hair and in pink was 'Taxi Driver', and obviously that was done for the part she was playing.


She had short hair. That is the only trait that could be seen even remotely as masculine. Act like a boy? What did she do that made her appear to be acting like a boy? Did I miss a scene where she piddled standing up?


In my opinion there was nothing masculine about Ellen aside from (and I always mention this), the British mistaking the pronounciation of her name as "Alan". The sex of the child was not important to the plot anyway and lest we forget, she was called a "silly girl" in the beginning when she was playing with Beth's lipstick. The child was charming and cute. It should not matter what sex the child was in all fairness - it was irrelevant to the plot. This subject is always being discussed and gets very tiring.

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


I agree with highpriestess32

AND... why is that so much important after all? There are some child that don't fit in their ''birth gender'', which was a bit my case. We see this more and more today. Nothing unusual there, especially in the 2010s, I don't see why we still need to talk about it.


Exactly. I think the OP is just trolling. Either way I get bored of having to explain this stuff time and time again - especially since those who pose this question/observation are never there to respond and are rarely seen again in the other discussions 👀

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


I didn't once question that Ellen wasn't a girl and that was made clear in the beginning. She was wearing a girls nightie for starters and her messing with Beth's lipstick and her mother addressing her as a silly girl pretty much made it clear. Yes, trolls thinking they are being amusing and funny. It must be miserable for them living down in the basement, trying on their mother's pantyhose, makeup and jewelry and no-one to tell them how fabulous "only" they think they are.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.



"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


Um, she did look like a boy with the hair and clothes, and what do you mean not fitting birth gender? This is the kind of stuff that leads children like Angelina Jolie daughter Shiloh or to the extreme of transgender adolescents, the deterioration of society.


Can you elaborate? Nothing "leads" children into a state of being a trasgendered individual. It is something they are born with and identify with very early on. There is a distinct difference between being a tomboy and being wrongly gender-assigned. Shiloh is presumably a boy in every way but her actual sex. Her parents encourage her to be whomever she wants to be and rightly so.

I don't understand your post so apologise if I have misread your intention.

"These days you have to boil someone before you can sleep with them"


Exactly. I knew girls who had short hair that young, like I did at 7, but that doesn't mean I wasnt fitting of my birth gender. I even wore my brothers clothes. I'm still a female.
I was just a Ellens character.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." -Gandalf the Grey


I'm American, I thought the kid was a boy judging by its appearance, and I took the name to be Alan. About 20 minutes in somebody said "she", and I reassessed, very confused. I thought the kid was far from cute, whichever gender it was.


she is the producer's daughter

could do what she wanted!


That explains a lot.


perhaps she was an early transsexual


Normally I don't feed the trolls, but it was pretty clear she was a girl from the beginning. Pixie cuts were all the rage in the 80's. I had one myself.


haha! Right up until her Mum went to get her at school I thought she was a boy and they were calling her "Alan". Couldn't believe she was a girl either!
