Questions answered

I will answer as many questions about the film as I can for film goers.

Jack O'Halloran


Hey, Jack! I'm re-watching "Dragnet" again and I'm surprised to find that I can pretty much recite the whole thing without the aid of closed captioning or subtitles. Plus there's so many great quotes in this film!

My question to you is: either counting your character or not, did you have any particular favorite quotes or moments from thi film?

Thanks for answering!



Hello Jack,

I just wanted to say that Dragnet was one of my favourite films as a kid, and I especially liked your character Emil Muzz. The look on his face when Streebeck slams the drawer into into his nuts is priceless. The part when he tells Friday to "jump on this and spin, cop" was brilliant too.

I just wondered, do you have good memories of filming Dragnet? Apologies if you've already answered this elsewhere.

All the best

