Just brought this film

And I actually loved it, wish it was still called Bloody pom poms in the uk though, just for the camp value lol

Anyways I was wondering if anyone could help me by sujesting some more films, like this one, which I could buy.
Anything from the 80's, scary or camp with dark humor or tromaesque type things.

I have brought the following films, so if you can name anything not on the list for me to add to my ever growing collection, well that would be just super now =)

Ok I have just brought

April fools day
friday the 13th pt 2 & 3
Class of nuke 'em high
Toxic avenger 1, 2 &3
Surf nazis must die
return to horror high
once bitten
Chearleader camp
chopping mall<------------ I really liked this one, anymore that are like this?
manic cop 1&2
Return of the living dead 1,2 &3
basket case
Prom night 2
House<--------- What are the sequels like? any good?

Any help you can give would be great , thanks in advance

( Sorry if you have read this thread on another film, just wanted to get as many points of view as poss)

" Arrgghhh he's got an arm off "


Slaughter High was pretty good


Yea, I realize that this thread is old, and that you've not posted anything further in several years, but after having read through the posts I did see that no one ever offered a suggestion to the movie that you really enjoyed, Chopping Mall, and that you were really wanting any movie that was similar to it.

I think the perfect movie that would fit the bill and is in the latter part of the same era of the horror genre, along with being a decent b-movie is, "Hide and Go Shriek". Very similar premise to Chopping Mall in that its a group of teens locked in a shopping area, though this one has a much more realistic killer that's human, rather than the sci-fi robot killers of Chopping Mall. I really enjoyed Hide and Go Shriek, even though the ending was a bit of a let down.

One other movie that's climax and last third of the film takes place in the very similar setting of a shopping mall, with teenagers, and a killer who gets in several good kills at the mall is, "The Initiation" with Daphne Zuniga. I did really enjoy its little twisted ending, and was very satisfied with the entire movie actually.

Both are enjoyable b-movie's of the horror genre that take place in the setting of a shopping mall(last third of The Initiation), that have some decent kills, and I found both to be entertaining. Also both of these movies are available absolutely free on YouTube. Both full movies, unedited, and in their original R-rated formats.
