MovieChat Forums > Adventures in Babysitting (1987) Discussion > 100 things we learned from Adventures in...

100 things we learned from Adventures in Babysitting

I can't believe there isn't a thread for this yet!

100. Don't f$#k with the babysitter.

99. I'm a little bit overdressed.

98. Thor's a homo.

97. Chris' legs are locked together at the knee.

96. If you don't have the cash, then I don't have a weiner.

"Oh motherballs" - Paget Brewster


A little bit of rust in your coffee gives it that extra zing.

Perfectly in sync, spur of the moment blues jam sessions are easy as pie, even when just seconds earlier you confess you can't sing.

Sarah, although a little girl, could be a leading Hollywood stunt woman after successfully walking across rafters and scaling a skyscraper. Daredevil should've been her hero; not Thor.

Big ol' fur coats make for excellent disguises.

Apparently Brad thinks just because a coat once belonged to a dead man he can contract cooties.

This film should be played LOUD


We should all be checking out Grandfathers closet for coats if you can look this good in a dead man' stuff.

"No Worf, you cannot stun my cat!" Data.


Don't steal a playboy magazine or you going to be in trouble.😂😂
