dry and stale

Alan Bennett's 'Talking Heads' is the most worthless piece of
television since the BBC began. Its characters have no point to them;
they do not reach a higher knowledge - predominantly they do not even
have a rudimentary knowledge of what is going on in their silly little
worlds. These monologues have taken a theatrical form to the limits and
made it so ridiculous that audiences cannot bear to watch. I am only
glad that no one has ever thought to copy Bennett's low-grade work.


You MUST be American surely?




My god, it's amazing how dumbed down some people are now after years of derivative fare, movies inspired by television series, and now the current era where the drama isn't the thing, but the effects (and so we get to watch a bunch of moving comic book images -- big whoop). I'd certainly get an education in drama before shooting off my mouth like this, just as I'd certainly ask myself what the talent such as Maggie Smith was drawn to about the pieces they performed (and aren't they just MAYBE likely to know a thing or two more than some of us who can't appreciate this at first look)? Education is your friend.


It doesn't matter! We don't need or want these kinds people following Talking Heads.

I don't consider myself to be an intellectual, but I know good television/writing when I see it.


Well, I have separated them out into episodes now - so you can rate and write an extensive review of each individual one!

My vote history:

