Ryan's departure

How was Ryan's character written out of the show?


Basically, a cursed artifact reversed him to a childlike state. Micki and Jack couldn't cure him so he ended up going back to his mother to grow up again without any memory of the antique shop or cursed artifacts.

"I'm a nasty piece of work, Chief. Ask anybody."
- Good Ole Conjob aka John Constantine, Hellblazer


I always kind of felt bad for his mom. She now has to raise a child, all alone, at her age. Plus the headache of getting him into a school without records (or records that say he's in his 20's). I used to think of stuff like that even when it wasn't really relevant.

Basically, the whole thing was to give them a second chance because she ran on him and his father when he was that age.

Funny enough I kind of recall reading a fan fic where he came back to the store all grown up and with his memory back looking for Miki.

I know they were only cousins by marriage but I was always kind of put off by the idea of them hooking up anyway. :)


I know they were only cousins by marriage but I was always kind of put off by the idea of them hooking up anyway

But they were not blood related and did not grow up together and were strangers when they met. Ryan flirted with Micki the first time he met her. I always wanted them to hookup. Ryan had a crush on Micki and would be jealous when she had a male friend. Micki also use to become jealous of Ryan with other women.


I know (although "The Prophecies" messes this up by having child Ryan remember seeing her before), it just was kind of creepy. I know the show did what they could to reinforce the idea that they were not blood relatives and all that but it just really never set well with me.

I do kind of wish he had stayed and we could've have had a slightly larger cast with Johnny being in the show maybe not every episode but several a season. He was good for making all the boneheaded rookie movies that Miki and Ryan made in season one because he was just learning (like in "Hate on Your Dial" when he re-sold something without checking, of course what the odds that something would be cursed but still).

As you can probably guess I just got around to finally getting the final season DVD and watched it recently. :)

I know there was an episode (either season one or two) where the talked about bringing in more people but Jack told them they couldn't trust just anyone but it would've been nice to have another person or two to fill out the cast a bit more.

I still wish Rasheed had been in more than two episodes, to that same end.


I know (although "The Prophecies" messes this up by having child Ryan remember seeing her before), it just was kind of creepy.

I don't think Ryan actually saw her as a child. I think he still had memories of her from his adult years of them knowing each other. I didn't find it creepy at all. They didn't even know the relatives who they were connected thru marriage. Micki and Ryan were strangers.


No, saw it on DVD recently and he literally mentions having a cousin named Miki and "she has red hair just like you". It at least strongly implies that he saw her, at least a little back then.

Anyway, the main thing would've been people coming in after the first episode. I seem to recall the first episode established that they were only related by marriage but that fact got way less replay than saying they were cousins.

As I recall the cousin thing was even in the opening narration. It was just a shaky idea.

I do kind of wish they could've had Ryan AND Johnny on at the same time to give them more options. The thing about small cast shows is it's really easy to run out of options for stories and how to tie them into the stories.

How many ill fated love interests can one show do? :)

Funny enough I suspect if the show had been done today (with a bit bigger budget) they would've had a bigger regular cast and some of the returning characters (like Rasheed) would've appeared more than they did.

Of course today there probably would've been a deeper narrative, or a season long story arc or something like that as well. Like maybe a group like them working for the Devil trying to regain and recirculate the cursed objects or a shadowy government group trying to study and use the power of the object for themselves or something.


It wasn't shaky at all. They were not blood related. And Johnny was boring. I have no interest in seeing him with Ryan, nor with Micki or Jack.

I liked it being a small trio, just Micki, Ryan and Jack. If they did add someone, I would prefer it be another woman. I liked the older lady who had a crush on Jack on the episode "A Cup of Time."


"No, saw it on DVD recently and he literally mentions having a cousin named Miki and "she has red hair just like you". It at least strongly implies that he saw her, at least a little back then"

No. In the pilot Micki said that she never met Ryan and Ryan did not know Micki either. He thought she was going to be a male cousin. They were clearly strangers. I think when Ryan changed into a little boy and said that he had a cousin named Micki, I think it was child Ryan keeping Micki in his heart even though he didn't remember her as an adult. I think there were still memories of him as an adult that were still present in him as a child and would still remember Micki and Jack, even though he did not meet them as a children.
