MovieChat Forums > Diamond

Diamond (47)


Does anyone remember Friday the 13th: The Series? Loved him as Jack Marshack. Loved him as Ryan Dallion. Did anyone else want Micki and Ryan to become a couple? Rank the Angels from favorite to least. I think Cheryl Ladd is underrated. View all posts >


I miss her. I loved all her music. She was very talented. I don't think it strikes a fear. They just are not interested in seeing it. Just because straight men do not want to see them film does not make them "homophobes." Straight men might not want to see a film about children either. Does that make them childrenphobes? Yeah. It was a good show. I love the friendship between Micki, Ryan, and Jack. I hate when Ryan left. I don't know, but that's what Beverly Ann was. She was the landlady. Maybe the girls were not interested. Is it true that in the "Charlie's Angels casebook" it states that every time Farrah guest starred on season 4, the show took a dip in ratings and that her last episode was the lowest in the whole entire season? Do you mean because most shows only have white people in them? I disagree. Seasons 8 and 9 are my favorites. I like both Beverly Ann and Mrs. G. She wasn't watching over them. She was running the business for Mrs. Garrett. She was more like the girls' landlady and friend. View all replies >