I think Ridge is still...

playing Quinn. Anybody else agree?


Well he could be under very deep cover, and not telling Brooke about it, so her reactions to his "strange behavior" seems genuine...

But overall, I hope he is just as confused as Quinn is. Their chemistry is really dynamic, whether they become lovers, friends, or revert back to enemies...

I don't like how Ridge and Brooke got slammed back together, as if he never ran off to live in a different country to get away from her, as if he never divorced her for "taking a secret phone-call from Deacon"... as if Caroline never happened.

Even though I wasn't a big fan of the Ridge-Caroline pairing (the age difference! Rick's wife!), he really seemed to love Caroline, and I thought they would last longer than they did.


Yeah it's like they abruptly broke up Ridge and Caroline for no sensible reason, considering how the baby was supposedly conceived, (I still don't think Thomas is the Father)..and then NOW, Thomas is not even with Caroline. The breakup was about as pointless as the one between Justine and Donna, which we never really ever got a real explanation for. That one almost makes me believe that the actors just decided they didn't want to work so closely together. It's not like they were ever on screen that much anyway....as far as Ridge, I think he wants Quinn BADLY...and I think their chemistry is off the charts, even though I initially loved Quinn with Eric..but Eric lost me a lot when he started the whole "telling Steffy how to live her life" thing, and trying to force her to stay with Wyatt.


Yes, I see your point about Eric. I kinda lost some respect for him when he started entertaining nosy Katie.


They really did just break up Caroline and Ridge just like that! Boom. It came out of left field IMO. It was a sad thing to watch them break up. I agree Quinn and Ridge are pretty hot, but I still think he's playing with her.
