MovieChat Forums > Amerika (1987) Discussion > If Kerrey were elected president Amerika...

If Kerrey were elected president Amerika could have become a way of life

Acoording to one poster if Kerry had been elected Amerika might have been a way of life. If Bush had decided to go after Iraq eight months sooner Kerry might have been elected because all the problems of our troops getting killed would have happened eight months sooner. Last July most American didn't support the way Bush was handleing Iraq and many in the US wanted us out of Iraq. If all this happened eight months sooner that would have been last November and Bush would have been defeated. Bush would have not gone into Iraq any sooner that July 2002 because you would not want a war that might disrupt the Olympics and World Cup Soccer. When the World Cup was over you might as well say lets wait another week until Wimbledon is over. Many American didn't seem to want to travel outside of the US and Canada when the war in Iraq began so you would not want US players staying away from the World Cup and Wimbledon so that is why July would have been the earliest for a war with Iraq to begin. If fact all the anti Kerry posters by Bush said Kerry might give the US away. It would just be Iran that would substite for the Soviets or maybe some terrorist group that would take over instead. Kerry would most likely have gotten us out or Iraq by now claiming that we can't afford to be there after Katrina and Reta. He would not be as agressive in stopping Iran and North Korea from getting nuclear weapons. Iran may be ten years away but North Korea may have then now but has not tested them. If Kerry seemed to be giving the US away it is highly unlikely you could have had a bloddless takeover because there would not likely be enough time beofore the 2008 elections and Kerry would have had an even worse defeat the Carter in 1980.


Left vs. Right is a false paradigm. Most politicians are Globalists, not conservative or liberal. The elections are rigged and we only have the illusion that we are free. Papers were written long before 9/11 about the plan to go into Iraq and Iran. The Patriot Act was on Clinton's desk at the time of the OKC bombing. Things would have gone pretty much the same had Kerry been elected because our so-called presidents are merely puppets, pawns in a much larger global game. Do some research and you'll find this is true. Break out of the left-right paradigm. It just keeps us fighting and distracted from serious corruption in Washington DC that aims to take away our rights. Until recently it has been incremental but has been fast-tracked under W. 9/11 was Bush's Reichstag fire. History is repeating itself. Please Wake Up. We don't have much time.


probably because people like you who start these posts can't spell!!


It could happen now, if Obama becomes president. Only instead of the Soviet Union taking over, it could be either the Russian Federation, or the Islamic terrorists. Heck, there's a video out there of Obama talking about how he wants to disarm the US and negotiate a "no nukes" treaty with Russia. Yeah, because it worked SO WELL when Carter did it (SALT I and II)! Read the book "Red President" by Martin Gross, to see what's in store for us if Obama becomes President. It's terrifying, and will make this miniseries look like child's play. Obama is Jimmy Carter II, but instead of just being stupid and not malicious, he's actively dangerous, which makes it even scarier. God help this country if Obama gets elected......


Not for nuthin'.. but did any of you actually WATCH this movie??? It is not Rambo or Red Dawn... It is actually a fairly thoughtful reflection of the squandering of American freedom by Americans. Note some of the key quotes of dialogue.. the Russian general saying "You lost America before we got here" and the journey of Kris Kristofferson's insurgent visiting these various people throughout the country as he hides and tries to organize a rebellion. He visits exiles from the iron curtain.. black churches... because THESE are groups in America who KNOW WHAT IT MEANS NOT TO BE FREE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY and who know the value of their freedom to speak and worship. I saw all the nights of this miniseries when it ran and I was VERY moved by it and was angered by the controversy which really demonized the nature of this film when it was so rich and thoughtful about these issues. Worse than that was the suggestion the movie should be censored and silenced cause it would "ruin things" ... it was at this point that you could really feel the divide in this country solidifying. it was sad to see.

But anyway... this was one of those expensive miniseries of a kind network TV doesn't make was good and it's really something anyone who hasn't seen it should see and for those of us who haven't seen it in years ... something to revisit.


Wow...this thread is over five years old and reading the old post brings nothing but laughter to my ears. Seriously, Kerry is the junior senator from the People's Republic of Massachusetts? Reagan and Bush ended the Cold War without the help of Gorbachev? God help America if Obama is elected president?

My, my have the times changed...

"This will hurt someone!" - Budd Dwyer before committing suicide on camera, January 22, 1987


I did not read a single comment here.


Well we have Obama now so cheers! He makes Kerry look like Bush.

