MovieChat Forums > Tampopo Discussion > Time to play : LOVE IT or HATE IT!

Time to play : LOVE IT or HATE IT!


Do you LOVE IT or HATE IT?



This film is great! It is hilarious but it also deals with the banality of everyday life and how food (variety) is the spice of life. Interestingly I thought this film was made during the 90s for it's use of color and style.


God please protect me from your followers


I absolutely love it. That said, I have a slight advantage over some movie-goers in that I had the fortune of living in Japan for a while and got to try all sorts of ramen from various parts of the country. I also understood some of the more inside jokes in the movie like with the slurping of the noodles in the Italian restaurant with the Westerner emulating the Japanese and the Japanese emulating the Westerner, only to both end up having it wrong.


I thought it was a very good movie, but I wish there was a version without the nudity. And the nudity was from the couple who practically had no role in the movie... unless I'm missing something. I'd recommend it to some family members if it weren't for the erotic parts. The egg yolk snowballing scene, where the couple swap an egg yoke back and forth between their mouth, was another example of a scene that wasn't needed.


That wasn't needed??? Oh poor old you! Eroticism and gastronomy work together! Every japanese, every chinese, every french, every italian, everybody know that!!!


Loved it.

As for the eroticism, why wasn't it needed? The whole film is about food and it's place in our lives. Some people just eat, some people derive a wholey different pleasure from it, from the importance in family to the eroticness of eating.

haven't you ever heard of a chocolate being "sinful?" Heh. I love the gangster couple!


Agreed. Absolutely needed.

Loved it.


The film is intended for adults and kids would not appreciate it anyway. They would be bored and restless after 15 minutes. It's sad how nudity is still so taboo while extreme graphic violence is generally accepted. Kids can get into any R rated film if they try hard enough and if not, they can see an even more violent version on video. How many intelligent people actually think adults are taking all these teenagers to The Hills Have Eyes etc.? They are not.

You might consider making your own edited copy if you are determined to show Tampopo in a family setting.


I thought it was a very good movie, but I wish there was a version without the nudity. And the nudity was from the couple who practically had no role in the movie... unless I'm missing something. I'd recommend it to some family members if it weren't for the erotic parts. The egg yolk snowballing scene, where the couple swap an egg yoke back and forth between their mouth, was another example of a scene that wasn't needed.
by - tom_75252 on Tue Jan 10 2006 00:17:00

(insert an online mockery of your sexual prudery here)




Oh’ my god, I absolutely LOVE this movie, it is seriously one of the most bizarre movies I have ever seen and it is just fantastic.

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


Hated it =P saw it with my boyfriend who loved it... eh. a bit too bizarre for me.


Love it, adore it, am totally infatuated.... from the Brechtian opening to the touchingly beautiful closing credits this is a masterpiece IMHO.

Just watched it again last night (a Tampopo party, with noodles of course) ... it's been longer than I thought since I last saw it ... I thought I knew it by heart but it was almost like seeing it for the first time. I laughed until I cried – and wasn't sure which I was doing a couple of times!

Like all great comedies, this movie works on several levels, and ultimately it's about life & journeys and their inseparable companions death and departures. The vignettes, although they have nothing directly to do with the main plot, are inseparable from this subtext. Food, sex, violence, love ... without these seemingly gratuitous scenes it would still be a good take-off of the 1950's "adult" Western (e.g. Shane), but it would not be the truly great movie that it is.

There are very few movies that I am willing to watch an unlimited number of times (BTW the Sound of Music is not one), but this film heads the list.



I LOVE it. I can watch this over and over.

"I think a plan is just a list of things that don't happen."
-Parker from "The Way of the Gun"


Love it! This is Juzo Itami at his best!




i think that this is a great movies...nothing like a film which shows the appreciation of food and if anything why not japan, a country with expanse culture and noodle frenzies! Great was to make a film that held a great theme, style, characters and camera shots! Id say LOVE IT!


It's my number 1 favorite movie of all times!


Love it -- Tampopo is No. 1 in the Food Movie Hall of Fame!
