My one complaint

They had an HANDSOME actor portray the class outcast the "nerd."

I mean, c'mon!
If you're gonna cast someone as an unattractive type, at least use some good makeup to make them look unattractive!

Simon Scuddamore (The actor who played Marty) was very good looking.
Couldn't they have done more than stick glasses on him to make him unattractive?


they messed up his hair, too

Lee's Daniel's' THe Butler'


Good looking guys can be nerds too or super smart.


There were a lot of outcasts in my school who were good looking, they just had awkward social skills and terrible sense of fashion.



Yes, as the others said there are many nerds who are attractive. It's just that most of the time they are very shy and aren't good with people. Or they're simply too smart and have very few common interests with "normal" people so they have trouble connecting and making friends. I don't think you have to be ugly to be a nerd. That's just a stereotype. He could've been just as nerdy even without the glasses so he didn't even need those.


My one complaint, looks-wise, is that the actors looked too British.
