Raw Deal or Cobra

which is better?



I like Raw Deal much better. Cobra for me had one decent car chase and that's it.


The end of Raw Deal alone was better than Cobra.


Raw Deal - The system gave him a raw deal. Nobody gives him a raw deal.

Cobra - Crime is the disease. Meet the Cure.

I think Cobra pinches it over the tagline, though I enjoy both films.

--"It's not what you're sayin', it's what you're not sayin'. Insinuendos!"--


I enjoy both movies very much, but for me it has to be Cobra coming out on top! When I first saw Cobra in the 80s, it seemed fairly average and forgettable and got lost among the tide of action movies. But when I revisited it years later, I fell in love with it as an action movie like no other. Raw Deal is enjoyable but it doesn't have anything as memorable as an axe wielding cult or Stallone gunning down bikers on the back of a pick up truck.

Ultimately it does not matter though. Watch the ones you enjoy and forget about the ones you don't.

Au revoir, Shosanna.



In German both films are named similar. Cobra is called "The City-Cobra" and raw deal is called "The City-Shark". It makes it seem like they are connected.


I love both but I gotta say it's Cobra by a mile. Dude cuts his pizza with scissors, keeps his cleaning kit in an egg carton, tears cholo's wife beaters off for parking like a doofus, he has a matching knife and gun set and his name is Francis like the mule. It's not even a contest. Plus he has all that robot sex. Tha last one I'm not entirely sure about.

Sig Sour


Also a better car, better sunglasses , hes part of the zombie squad ... hes the perfect action character!! ......CObra i prefer!!!!

- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre


His name is Marion....


I love them both but Raw Deal feels a little more clever, and I always liked Arnold a little more than Stallone.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.


Cobra all day and night. I legitimately like that movie. This one is just ok.

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