MovieChat Forums > Night of the Creeps (1986) Discussion > How old are you Night of the Creeps fans...

How old are you Night of the Creeps fans?

I am 19, I read about this film on Arrow in the head and searched very hard to for a DVD, I recieved a bootleg shortly before my 17th birthday and loved it.

Mrs Voorhees is watching you!


I'm 37. I wrote the IMDb mini-bios on Fred Dekker, Tom Atkins, and Jill Whitlow.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"



20. Happily purchased the Blu-Ray the day it came out.


34. Saw a trailer for it on a rental VHS back in 1991 when I was 13. I wanted to see it ever since, but only got around to like 5 years ago. Needless to say, it stood the test of time.


30. I first saw this film on television when I was 10 years old. I remember the local station would show it on rare occasion (I grew up with the "cemetary" ending).


30 now very glad the dvd is finally out!!!

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist


I'm 41, first saw Night of the Creeps when my brother rented out the CBS/Fox videotape from my local video shop not long after it was first released on VHS in the UK.



Id be 27. WOO




I'm 21 but first saw the movie when I was 13 or 14 when it aried late one night on Sci-Fi. I remember how much I loved it and how when it came on TV again a month or so later I taped it. Growing up I was a huge Monster Squad fan (one of the many classic 80's movies I watched over and over again as a kid, so when I found out it was made by the same director I couldn't believe both films weren't on DVD since both were cult classics.) Back in 2007 I went to a horror convention in NJ and met Fred Dekker, Tom Atkins, and The Monster Squad cast (which everyone was wicked cool and down to earth)There I picked up a bootleg of Night Of The Creeps and tried to turn as many people as I knew into it. I also own Hollywood Monster (staring with Jason and Jill) and got the DVD as soon as it came out. The cast is going to be in NJ again for March but I'm going to be away at college! I can't wait to meet them one day! My dream is to get a Night Of The Creeps tattoo (I'm getting a monster squad one this weekend) what can I say? I love Fred's films! lol

"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"


35 saw it in mid 90'2. love this movie!


41 now. Saw the movie for the first time when I was about 20.


I am 37 1/2 and getting ready to turn 38 next month and when Night Of The Creeps came out I was 14 years old. This along with many other 80's films was shown a lot on Monster Vision and USA UP ALL NIGHT back in the day on the weekends! This was great to watch too back then!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!
