R and unrated versions?

What is the difference between the R and unrated version? The ending of mine has a guy's head getting blown apart with a shotgun but it does cut away abruptly although you still see his head beginning to open up and fall apart.


my copy does too, and aparantly, its the r-rated version.


I have the unrated VHS and it aslo cuts short the shotgun blast


Yeah, the editing of the shotgun-blast-to-the-head scene is a little choppy in the unrated version, but I suspect that that has nothing to do with the film being censored for violence as it does to do with the fact that the effect is a little dicey and that if they had left the camera on the shot, it would have looked too much like an effect and not an actual shotgun decapitation.


Here is the answer to your more than 8 year old question



Your linked answer is printed too small and much too long to read. God forbid you give us a précis.

Yes, I know I used one of the many words you don’t know.
