MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > Iron Eagle VS. Top Gun

Iron Eagle VS. Top Gun

Iron Eagle is way better. I DARE anyone to start an argument about this statement, especially if your a guy. I DARE YOU!


I'd have to pick Iron Eagle myself because of my childhood. As a kid I watched them both often and as a 10 year old Top gun always seemed like a drama with a subplot about fighting the enemy. Iron Eagle had more action (even though now I can see how fake some of the special effects were) and more quotable lines (I didn't even realize how many until I got the DVD and watched it for the first time in like 10 years and heard so many little lines that I still use to this day that I had forgotten I first heard there) and the big 80s movie staple of kids doing grown up things and being better at it than the adults. Be it E.T.. Explorers, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Flight of the Navigator, ect the 80s were all about having kids in lead roles doing things that normal kids could never do. If I could see the movies for the first time today I might thing diferently but my childhood love for Iron eagle still over rides thoughts about special effects or realism.


OKAY here is something you guys dont know

the originaltitle of the film was called junior eagle

second the reason iron eagle used f-16's is because the us air force refused to co-operate with the movie because they showed just how easy it is to blackmail scheme bribe and acquire all that you need from an american airbase

third doug was such a good pilot for a couple reasons one he had a ntural talent pilots are born not made and also if you recall he gets as much training in a simulator as he can any other full fledged falcon driver

and finally the reason they stole a jet and it didnt register is because they inputed a flightplan that said they were going to spain or something like that and they just deviated from the flight plan as they approached the country they were going to


I'll have to go with iron eagle. Every movie is unrealistic in some way, the fact is the movie was made for kids and having a 17 year old protagonist makes it more appealing. The scenes with kids stealing military information are humorous and really added to the film. This film focuses more on the father son relationship, action scenes, the teen's struggles, and less about looking cool. One thing about top gun always has been puzzling me, I remember hearing that naval pilots aren't allowed to drink, so would the bar scenes be realistic?


They used F-16s because the F-16s used in the movie were Israeli, hence the Kfirs being used as the MiGs. The Kfir is/was an exclusively Israeli IAF fighter (with the exception of a few they loaned/gave to the Navy to give them a Mirage-like aggressor aircraft).

And it's rather obvious that they're trying to cast Libya as the aggressor nation, hence the mention of the Meditterranean, they just never mention the country by name - same as Top Gun never pegged the aggressors as the North Koreans, even though the DVD commentary track on the 20th Anniv. Edition reveals it WAS the NKs.


Top Gun was better, it was not AS chessy as Iron Eagle and Top Gun had better songs


Alright............reasons why Iron Eagle is better. Remember, I'm in my late 20's and i basically grew up with both of these movies, so I'm coming from a different angle than some of you.
It is in my opinion that Iron Eagle is way better. Like I said, if your a male...which I'm guessing all who read and post anything on the Iron Eagle message board are, you have to go with Iron Eagle. Let's break it down...
Pros of Iron Eagle:
1.Teenage kid stealing a plane and busting his ol' man from captavity. Great story
2.Only being able to concentrate while listening to rock music. (tell me you all did not strap your $9.99 walkman to your leg with a belt and rock out to Twisted Sister as you were riding your bike)
3. Chappy rockin' out to his motown jukebox to help him think better.
4. The Snake....enough said
5. Breakdancing at the prom

Why Top gun sucked:
1. Horrible annoying music in every scene. Take my breath away makes me take my puke bag away because it's always full.
2. Iceman's snapping jaw
3. Tom Cruise taking his shirt off every 5 minutes to play volleyball ect...
4. Tom Cruise riding his motorcycle really fast as they're playing take my breath away.
5. The whole annoying "loose cannon, but he's the best pilot" plotline.
6. The whole love story that overshadowed the entire annoying movie.
7. Huge soap opera movie just to build it up to the most predictable ending

Fan base is nothing more than a bunch of middle aged women who like to hear take my breath away, can't wait to see how the romance between Cruise and McGillis works out and love to see tom cruise play volleyball. Your all the same people who probably prefer Pearl Harbor over Saving Private Ryan. But check out the deleted scenes of Private Ryan, I think there is a scene where they stop on Omaha and play volleyball with their shirts off while listening to take my breath away.


Both movies are lame, but Iron Eagle is far lamer than Top Gun. That's all.


Nice. Why not finish this debate with a voting.




iron eagle is way gun was a romance film but with planes involved it was utter 5hite


great action film, not muddled down by the romantic mush of Top Gun..

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"
Stan Lee, 1962


Exactly - well put.




Firstly I'd like to thank you for what I honestly think is the BEST THREAD on ALL OF imdb!!

Growing up, I can honestly say that Top Gun and Iron Eagle were probably my two all time favourite movies ever. This thread is something me and my friends discussed a whole lot!!!

Firstly - I love BOTH movies - they're gold.

But I have to admit, at the time, even though Top Gun was a far bigger budget, platinum, hollywood cult classic etc etc - I actually preferred Iron Eagle. That was a young kids honest, unbiased view at the time. I dont know what it was - it had more ENERGY!! Probably helped largely due to the Iron Eagle Soundtrack was *FAR SUPERIOR* to Top Guns. The TAPE/walkman that Doug had was absolutely awesome. There are so many parts in the movie there the music just drives along brilliant scenes. Ie "Adrenalin - Road of the Gypsy", Queen, and pretty much every track. Iron Eagle has one of the best soudn tracks of all time.

Yes OF COURSE Top Gun was more realistic. Which at the time, made it slightly less appealing. I LOVED Top Gun, but Iron Eagle had more adventure.

I can't understand how pepole here can compare the movies based on how 'realistic' they are!! It's ABSURD... For christ sake, both are ridiculous, Iron Eagle WAY more so. but *WHO CARES*??? THese were gung ho, awesome action movies... DEAL WITH IT YOU PURIST BORING SNOBS who care about realism!

Also I preferred the dogfights & aerial maneuvers in Iron Eagle. The footage was better.

Funnily enough, F-14's and F-16's were always my favourite planes. SO it was great they featured in these two movies. Of the two though, I always preferred the F-14. I reckon its a far more powerful, broad, beautiful looking piece of machinery. I dont know technicalities, but in terms of looks - F14 looked like an absolute WEAPON. Real work horse.. The F-16 looks incredibly slick and (for the time), futuristic... So the Top Gun's F-14's gave big points to Top Gun for me back then.

Anyway all in all, Iron Eagle slightly ahead of Top Gun I'd say.


Actually, they both sucked. Big time. God, "Final Countdown" was more realistic.

