MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > They left out all the gay sex scenes

They left out all the gay sex scenes

So much lost and untapped potential. The foreign prison setting, Chappy's isolated trailer, the list goes on and on.

On an unrelated note, I like how they have the token black couple break dancing, classy !

Lord Cow Nostril


You must be thinking of Top Gun which was the real homoerotic jet opera of 1986. If anyone wants an aerial gay fix that's the go-to movie.

On the other hand, Iron Eagle was manly as hell! No sweaty, pumped up dudes frolicking around in showers or playing topless volleyball with each other in this movie. There ain't even room for a contrived love story in IE. It's all about annihilating some evil arab country's military using some stolen F-16s loaded with missiles, cannons & smart bombs and rescuing the hero's dad - that, right here, is the antithesis of gayness. That's pure 80s adrenalized machismo.

He was my C.O. in Nam. CIA listed him as MIA but the V.A. ID'd his M.O. and put out an APB.
