MovieChat Forums > Iron Eagle (1986) Discussion > They left out all the gay sex scenes

They left out all the gay sex scenes

So much lost and untapped potential. The foreign prison setting, Chappy's isolated trailer, the list goes on and on.

On an unrelated note, I like how they have the token black couple break dancing, classy !

Lord Cow Nostril



It was the 80s...related to the break dancing and not gay sex.


Wow, that's really funny.....


"get your butt in my trailer"

"why don't you go see how the pillow on my bed is doing"

"we need to put him somewhere he can keep his BIG MOUTH shut... you mean some sort of penile instituion?"

Not to mention the gay love-mixtape Chappy made for Doug..


LOL, that's gold!


"Lucky I'm not in that cockpit with you. I'd show you "touchy.""

Oh, sorry. That's something he /actually/ said to Doug!


Maybe on the 2 Blu-ray deluxe widescreen special anniversary edition.

- The Lou Gossett Jr ass dance full completion

- Uncut shower scene: When tactics turns to touching

It is widely known that Top Gun based all their gay scenes on Iron Eagle.

Chappy did some serious grooming in this movie, when we see Larry B Scott in Revenge of the Nerds he is serious gay.


Yes, this is a funny thread! Funny but true!


I think the token black couple break dancing was lifted from No Retreat, No Surrender.


Doug Masturs. Slappy Sinclair. Two men. One vision. IRON SPREAD-EAGLE.

Now playing: Inhumanoids


ROFLMAO! You guys are killing me, but not like Sinclair would have left my ass all Chappy!


I think "Top Gun" was slightly more "gay". Please click on
for Quentin Tarantino's interpretation.



