MovieChat Forums > Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Discussion > Top Five Favorite Woody Allen Films!

Top Five Favorite Woody Allen Films!

Okey, now that I've said my piece about this film here they are in order:
1) Hannah and Her Sisters
2) Broadway Danny Rose
3) Manhattan
4) Sweet and Lowdown ( love this one )
5) Purple Rose of Ciro

anybody else....?


here are my top five...and this is the "correct" list...nobody can deny it!!!!

1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors
3. Annie Hall
4. Manhattan
5. Husbands and Wives


How can there be a "correct" list....I think mine is much better.....and nobody can deny it!!!!

I like your list though.....but aren't you a little tired of Annie Hall and Crimes? how come nobody mentions "Stardust Memories" that's a good one to.


yes, technically you're right...but in my little world of Woody, my list is "correct". Anyway, in reply to your question of "tired" lists...

Annie Hall has to be mentioned because it's representative of one the greatest films ever's that simple. I can't base my list on trends or what everybody else likes. Yes, Annie Hall is the film of choice among people who haven't seen other Allen films, or don't know any better...but it's also the choice of us afficianado's. Dude, this film rules...come on.

Crimes is so fantastic I can't believe you question it. I won't even reply for that one.

But oh my god! Stardust Memories is so good. I'm re-thinking my list to include that one...I might have to bump off Husbands and Wives...but you have to add Crimes! Do it now!!!!

reply a list that would be the top 10 Woody Allen films of all time I think "Crimes" would be in there ...maybe No.8 or's just that Bravo was showing a little too much at one point. Annie Hall would be my No.7 ( and that's not too shabby. But "Stardust Memories" is terrific. It's his "8 1/2. Have you seen "Anything Else".....also how do you feel about his earlier, funny movies. I like "Sleeper" and "what's new pussycat?"


Revised list:

1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors
3. Annie Hall
4. Manhattan
5. Stardust Memories

Yeah his early stuff is funny, naturally. I think Sleeper and Love and Death were his funniest and most focused. So early Woody List:

1. Love and Death
2. Sleeper
3. Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex (But We're Afraid To Ask)
4. Bananas
5. Take the Money and Run

So yeah, you convinced me about Stardust Memories. The ending of that film is so frikkin' good.


I liked your early Woody list, here's mine:

1) Sleeper
2) Take the Money and Run
3) What's New Pussy Cat ( i know he didn't direct this but it's still his ...very funny)
4) Love and Death
5) Bananas

as for the rest of my top 10 ( later Woody ) films:

6) Stardust Memories
7) Annie Hall
8 ) Crime and Mistemeanors
9) Husbands and Wives
10 ) Zelig

I did also enjoy his last three ( Hollywood ending Curse of the Jade Scorpion ect ) But for soem reason the only one that seems like a great film in the post Husbands and Wives period is "Sweet n Lowdown" what do you think?.I didn't see Celebrity or Anything Else yet either, so.

Are we the only two people that care about this? Ha, ha ha?


Here's mine:
1. Annie Hall (practically know it by heart, hahaha)
2. Hannah and Her Sisters
3. Crimes and Misdemeanors
4. Radio Days
5. Sweet and Lowdown (Allen's Underrated Masterpiece)
6. Stardust Memories
7. Zelig
8. Sleeper (probably his best, straight funny picture)
9. Purple Rose of Cairo
10. Broadway Danny Rose

But I almost like everything he's made, probably with the exception of Interiors, which just doesn't do it. Allen works very closely to Bergman in his more serious films, and I admire that. Oh no, I forgot Mahattan! I've never been to NY, but Allen paints a wonderful picture with his films. I wish there were better critiqual books on his work, I picked up Deconstructing Allen and it's a horrible book, which takes 75% of the time talking about the plot, which if you're a Allen fan you already know. Any suggestions on books, anyone? I also like Shadows and Fog, Alice, September is alright, Hollywood Ending is actually a pretty good flick-the photography alone is wonderful, Anything Else was sort of a let down but I'm sure once I get it on DVD and watch it a few more times I be defending that film as well. Don't forget Everyone Says I love You, and oh no! Bullets Over Broadway should be on my list, and I love Husbands and Wives. Oh well, no list can ever hold my favorites from Allen


Have you ever read "Woody Allen on Woody Allen?" It's basically a series of interviews with him on each of his by one and he talks about the ones he likes and dislikes and about his influences. I think it came out in 92' so it dosen't cover his last 8 movies or so but it's still good. I never heard of the book "Deconstructing Harry" just the movie...( which wasn't one of my favs ). but there is aslo a book by Eric Lax ( is it?) Yeah those two are good. Check those out.



In no specific order,my top five favorites of Woody Allen's films

1.Radio Days
2.Annie Hall
3.Hannah and Her Sisters
5.Crimes and Misdemeanors


As much as I would want to try (not!) I agree with your list. Maybe not in the same order...but those are his top 5.


It's a good list you provided, and a tough question... With any other filmmaker it would be a relatively straightforward task, but Woody Allen has assembled so many gems in so many different styles that finding the essential five above all the others... Hmmmm.

OK, here's my list (for today - I'm sure it'll be different six months from now). Based on the reward I had of watching the movies repeatedly:

1) Annie Hall
2) Manhattan
3) Celebrity
4) Hannah and her Sisters
5) Deconstructing Harry

but very close (too) to the fifth position, so I feel OK only if I can mention 9 or 10:

Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Hollywood Ending

Yes, I know that the last mention is the black sheep here, but 'Interiors' is probably the best Bergman-like movie that was not made by Ingmar, and it is a small masterpiece in its own right and genre.

There are a LOT of cute, likable, pleasant movies by Allen that I still like, but that have not stood the test of time as well as the 10 above. So I rarely feel like watching movies such as Shadows and Fogs, Radio Days, Broadway Danny Rose, Zelig, etc. again, although I truly liked them at the time.

I simply adore Woody Allen, but just like any other genius, he does sometimes release material that is still better than 75% of the rest of the industry, but not quite up to the level we are acquainted to.

So genre is my list of the 5 MOST FORGETTABLE (I prefer this to "worst") movies by Woody Allen, in no particular order:

1)Mighty Aphrodite:
some funny scenes, but the relentlessly shrieking voice of Mira Sorvino (on purpose, I know, but yet agonizingly painful to the ear) is too much for me, let alone the fact that Woody in the role of dating counselor ??

Goofiness at that level has not aged well for me...

Too bleak, even glaucous...depressing (Interiors may also be depressing sometimes, but only in a good way and for a good purpose)

4)Bullets Over Broadway
Without Woody's presence, the humor in it does not stand repeated viewings for me. Other Woody-less Allen's comedies stand better, probably because there is a good Woody-like character (like "Celebrity" for example, where Kenneth Branagh is simply brilliant !

5)Another Woman
Granted, Gena Rowlands is simply stellar in a difficult role but the tone of the movie, especially with the constant narration, is too literary and sounds artificial to me. One wishes the elitist atmosphere that completely submerges Marion's existence would sound more natural. This is where Woody the writer sometimes fails as a director: he may be too satisfied or like too much his own script to have the right perspective to transpose it to film and get rid of the pseudo-intellectual references and style of his writing. In such cases, yes, I do think that Woody would have needed someone's input as a director to improve his already good screenplay into excellent movie direction. It's hard to always be top notch in both writing AND directing, and his achievements in this respect are already extraordinary.

In a way, Woody Allen has spoiled us so much with so many masterpieces that inevitably, one feels bad having to point out that they have rare but definite shortcomings. Same problem with directors like Hitchcock, Lynch or Burton, whom I also adore to a high degree, but who have sometimes, on rare occasions, disappointed me.


Sadly, I've only seen 19 of his films, but I'm a huge fan and every chance I get I watch his stuff, so my list (obviously) is based on what I've seen.
1) Annie Hall/Manhattan (I group them together, Annie Hall for the story, Manhattan for the cinematography, though they both excel in both categories)
2) Stardust Memories (I love 8 1/2, and as many have already said, this is Woody's Fellini)
3) The Purple Rose of Cairo (I have a question about the ending posted on it's message board if anyone would care to answer)
4) Deconstructing Harry (one of Woody's most stylish movies as of late)
5) Crimes and Misdemeanors (Dostoevsky's cousin)

Just below that would be Hannah, Zelig and Bullets Over Broadway.

I found it kind of funny that somebody talked about Woody's "earlier, funny movies" because that was the kind of comments that made Sandy's skin crawl in "Stardust".


I found it kind of funny that somebody talked about Woody's "earlier, funny movies" because that was the kind of comments that made Sandy's skin crawl in "Stardust"

That's the whole idea....if you like Fellini/Woody you should check out Broadway Danny Rose! That has some cool Felliniesc shots in it and it's also very funny.


I have to say that I liked Interiors, despite the fact that I never meet anybody else who does. I think the dialogue is great. Also, no one's mentioned "Another Woman"...that's very good too. I don't know if it was me who said "his earlier funny movies"...but that in itself is funny! The point being that no movie of Allen's is without humor in some shape or form, besides, before Annie Hall his movies were pretty much focused in one direction. I personally like to think that he's evolved in all sorts of ways but all his films have retained his distinct brand of comedy. Yeah, Stardust does seem to poke fun at the people who categorize him as such...but that's what people do, it's the critic in all of us. Thanks to Eric for the Woody interview book's on the top of my book list now. I guess were not the only Woody-list fanatics out there!!!




I honestly don't think he's ever made a bad film but have you seen "September"? I kinda like that one too although many think it's his worst.


I have seen September and I did like it. Although, I have to think that "Shadows and Fog" is his least impressive. Dude, how can I convince you that Crimes needs to be like #2 on your list??????

reply can I convince you that "Broadway Danny Rose" is No.2 ? That's such a great story ( like a NY fable ) that only Woody could have told. "Crimes" is good though.....very good but perhaps a little too, I don't know, heavy handed for my taste? Did you know that he really likes "Purple Rose of Cairo" and "Husbands and Wives" the best. This is according to that book Woody Allen on Woody Allen by Stig Bjorkman, by the way. " Hannah" and "Crimes" were not among his favorites. Isn't that weird?


Here's my list for favorite Woody Allen films although I like all of them!!
No preference in order!

1)Annie Hall (it won an oscar thats why every-body always mentions it)
2)Manhattan (might like it better than Annie Hall)
3)MIghty Aphrodite (really like the irony)
4)Love and Death (I laugh more every time I see this)
5)Radio Days (very accute account of his life when you compare it to biography)
6)Crimes and Misdemeanors (Only Woody Allen makes drama so funny)
7)Every One Says I Love You (Its agreat Musical<I hate musicals>)
8)Play it Again (although he didnt directed it's still his movie)
9)Deconstructing Harry ("Daddy's outta focus!")
10)Hannah and her sisters (Michael Caine steals the movie, Allen has best Jokes)

I only have 15 Woody Allen movies but I can't believe Sweet And Lowdown is $27.00 dollars!!!!!


" I can't believe Sweet And Lowdown is $27.00 dollars!!!!!"

I know I can't believe that either...I mean I would buy it but not for that much $....and there's nothing on it, the Dvd I mean. Still I love that movie, it on my Top 5 actually. I have it on video...I bought it as pre-viewed for $4.99.


1. Annie Hall/Manhattan
2. Crimes and Misdemanors
3. Hannah and Her Sisters
4. Bananas
5. Broadway Danny Rose
6. Shadows and Fog
7. Interiors
8. Radio Days
9. Sleeper
10. Sweet and Lowdown


So many good ones that its hard to whittle them down to a mere five, but here's my list:

1- Annie Hall ****
2- Hannah and Her Sisters ****
3- Crimes and Misdemeanors ****
4- Zelig ****
5- Love and Death ***1/2

By the way, I consider ZELIG to be very underrated. If I were to extend this list to ten (I'm sorry, but I can't resist doing it), then it would probably look like this:

6- Sleeper ***1/2
7- Husbands and Wives ***1/2
8- The Purple Rose of Cairo ***1/2
9- Manhattan ***1/2
10- (tie) Manhattan Murder Mystery and Radio Days ***


OK, what the hell, I love lists:

5. Interiors
4. Husbands and Wives
3. Manhattan
2. Hannah and her Sisters
1. Stardust Memories


1. Crimes and Misdemeanors
2. Annie Hall
3. Hannah and Her Sisters
4. Manhatten
5. Bullets Over Broadway

Whooah!-Al Pacino


This is not a 'correct' list or a 'false' list... Just my list:

1) Love and Death (1975)
2) Deconstructing Harry (1997)
3) Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
4) The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)
5) Sweet and Lowdown (1999)


I just watched "Annie Hall" for the first time in years and I would have to put that right up there with his best...after all is said and done it is the one movie that started his reputation as a great filmmaker...and all those funny, funny lines still seemed so fresh to me even today!!!


1. Bullets over Broadway
2. Hannah and her sisters
3. Crimes and misdemeanors
4. Midnight in Paris
5. Anything else
6. Match Point


Couldn't resist posting my top 5 (10) favourite Woody Allen films. Bl##dy hard to order them but here goes:

1) Annie Hall (dull choice but still a classic)

2) Love and Death (his best straight up comedy)

3) Purple Rose of Cairo (Just a gorgeous movie)

4) Another Woman (Extremely intense)

5) Play It Again Sam (the worlds funniest romantic comedy)

and the runner ups...

6) Crimes and Misdemeanours (Used to be my fave)

7) Bullets Over Broadway (I thought this was really excellent - but no one else mentions it)

8) Sweet and Lowdown (what a great horrid lead Sean Penn made)

9) Hannah and Her Sisters (Watched it too many times)

10) Midsummer nights Sex Comedy (a genuinely happy Allen flick - great fun)

Also honourable mentions are needed for: Mighty Aphrodite, Husbands and Wives, Manhatten and of course StarDust Memories.


Jeez! 5 is too few! Fine:

1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors
3 - 5 (they shift constantly):
. Manhattan
. Husbands and Wives
. Annie Hall

All of these movies find humor in the most unlikely places, which I suppose is my favorite of his many fine qualities. I love a great many other films in his career, but I most appreciate the ones that are so full of humanity and relevance in mundane, as well as sublime, ways. Any movie that can alter my way of perceiving the world is worth including on a 'best of' list, at least in my book. And although I love Mighty Aphrodite, it's not life-changing. All of the above are.

Side note: OK, am I the only one willing to say that there are a couple of Woody movies that I out-and-out hate? Shadows and Fog is number one on that list. Celebrity might belong on it too, if only because Branaugh's Woody impersonation grated on my nerves so badly. Anyway...


1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. The Purple Rose of Cairo
3. Sweet and Lowdown
4. Manhattan
5. Annie Hall

I've never seen Broadway Danny Rose, but I'm about to watch it, coincidentally.

"If you can't sleep, it isn't the coffee. It's the bunk."


Okay, here's my own list...

1. Manhattan
2. Crimes and Misdemeanors
3. Hannah and Her Sisters
4. Everyone Says I Love You
5. Play It Again, Sam
6. Love and Death
7. Zelig
8. Broadway Danny Rose
9. Sleeper
10. Bananas

Of course this changes, and it would be easy to make a much expanded list.


I think alot of people are forgetting 2 of his funniest from early years such as Play it Again Sam ...which he did not direct but no the less is funny as well as Everythign You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask ...quite possibly one of the funniest movies I've ever seen



everybody is forgetting about his best comedy

"Sometimes people are where they can't talk. Under 6 feet of dirt maybe...."


when reading this list bear in mind that I still havn't seen Hannah and Her Sisters

1) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex *(but were afraid to ask)

2) Annie Hall

3) Radio Days

4) Manhattan

5) Broadway Danny Rose


1) Manhattan(This is the most beautifully shot black and white film of the modern era)
2) Annie Hall (Maybe the best comedy script since The Apartment)
3)Hannah and Her Sisters (Second best script to Annie Hall)
4) Radio Days (Perfect period piece)
5) Husbands and Wives (Some of the best performances in an Allen film, particularly Judy Davis)


I have been a woody fan since "don't drink the water" and here are my top five followed by the Second five.....
1. Annie Hall
2. Manhattan
3. Play it again, Sam
4. Hannah and her sisters
5. Mighty Aphrodite

and the second six...are always changing...

6. Sweet and Lowdown
7. Take the Money and Run
8. Another Woman
9. Interiors (yeah, I'm a Bergman fan also)
10. Husbands and Wives
