How is this such a classic?

This film seems to often be referred to as a classic, especially when referring to movies from the 80's-90's. I don't understand why, though. It is a good movie, but nothing more. Definitely not one that I would watch again and again. Maybe if I found it on television while flipping though the channels and there is nothing else to watch, but I wouldn't make an effort to watch it again. To me, Ferris is not much more than an extended children's sitcom/cartoon about skipping school.


The main reason it's a classic is because of the extreme display of advanced moviemaking technique. Camera lenses, camera angles, J cuts, L cuts, collage editing, a giant unbelievably ballsy parade scene, and so on.

The wide array of creative techniques are applied with such skill and precision that if you don't watch for them, they are invisible. But if you watch for them and appreciate them, it's a masterpiece of the art of film making, and that qualifies it as a classic.

Besides that, on the surface, it's great fun. Some people here complain that it's boring, I can't understand that at all. Nothing can please everyone, but if you can't have fun in this movie you either need some 4th grade fart jokes or else you should only watch action flicks.

Ferris is at least three movies in one, depending on what you watch for.

Movie one is a cinematic masterpiece, as described above.

Movie two is a raucous borderline slapstick comedy featuring an impishly charming young talented actor floating through a series of silly misadventures.

Movie three is what the plot is really about, but that focus goes over the head of most everyone here, and that is the story of a troubled teenage young man and how he struggles with his inner and outer demons and begins to find the courage to face them and work through them.

The loudest of these three is the comedy, and I would venture to guess that that is all most viewers have ever seen.



Awesome writeup. Thanks for that.


I usually like smart MCs but for some reason I didn't like Ferris Bueller. Part of me wanted him to get busted at the end but alas it didn't happen. With that said, I really don't like the movie... sorry to the fans :(


'Cause it influenced me. My life was dramatically changed when I saw it.


You had to be there, in the 80's I mean


You are clueless. Go watch an Adam Sandler or Tyler Perry movie.


Well most of the people here say that the movie is classic because people born in US in the baby boomer generation feel nostalgic when they watch this movie.
Well I am a millennial, born and raised in India and I think this movie is lovely.

It has nothing to do with the people, this movie is genuine, charming little piece of some bygone era. It is light fun with some occasional quips of wisdom.

Everybody wants to take a day off. Everybody wants to get away from the humdrum and observe life before it passes away. And this movie provides an opportunity to live this vicariously.
