MovieChat Forums > Blue Velvet (1986) Discussion > One of the worst Lynch movies Ive ever s...

One of the worst Lynch movies Ive ever seen. js

I love Lynch and most of his work, but this movie didn't really do it for me.

I thought it was really annoying how Sandy gets all mad at Jeffrey, and Jeffrey doesn't try to explain what really OK??

That he was trying to get with Sandy first, but went with Dorothy only after Sandy rejected him.

Instead of explaining things, he just apologizes. Lame.

This is not the only reason I didn't like the film. If I had to rate this film it would be a 3/10. While I'd rate Inland Empire 10/10.

There were some things about this movie I liked, but much outweighed by the things I didn't like.


What about Dune and Inland? the worst films of his career.

F *** the law, i want meat-Nightbreed


I find Inland Empire to be one of the best films he's ever made.
It's pretty much Lynch gone wild, but the fact that he gave the audience
such an experience is amazing. Inland Empire is genius - and gets better
with repeated viewings. I very much enjoyed Blue Velvet as well.

1. Eraserhead
2. Mulholland Drive
3. Inland Empire
4. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
5. Wild at Heart
6. Blue Velvet
7. Lost Highway / Elephant Man
8. Straight Story


Inland Empie is near unwatchable.

From: A Huge David Lynch fan. My third favorite director. I hope it does not remain his last feature film as I would prefer him to go out on a high note. Saying Blue Velvet is terrible (his masterpiece) is mind blowing. Not to mention that Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, Mulholland Dr., Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and Lost Highway are all significantly better than Inland Empire as well.


Lost Highway is one of Lynch's most disappointing films. Choosing to use rock songs instead of Angelo Badalamenti's amazing score was a mistake. Inland Empire is incredible and leagues ahead of Lost Highway.


"Choosing to use rock songs instead of Angelo Badalamenti's amazing score was a mistake".

It's a rather volatile, aggressive, violent film - the industrial metal of Rammstein, Reznor & Marilyn Manson is not out of place. Besides, Badalamenti has his hand in there, too.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


To the OP, don't give up on your suicide.

IMDB - Internet Moronic Database


Slavoj Žižek gives a pretty good analysis of this film in his "Perverts Guide to Cinema". You might want to watch this again after seeing that.
