MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Why was this Carrie Henns ONLY movie?

Why was this Carrie Henns ONLY movie?

Child stars are normally bombarded with roles left, right and center once they have their "breakthrough" movie but for some reason Carrie Henn starred in this movie then just disappeared altogether. She's now a teacher.

Why do you think Carrie Henn did this movie only? was it because she hated acting? was it because maybe James Cameron being too hard of a taskmaster scared her out of wanting to do any more movies or maybe because her parents simply wanted her to live a normal life didn't want her to get caught up in the endless mayhem that goes with working in film?

What do you guys think?


If I recall, she was an air force brat and her family was only living in the UK temporarily. In the US you pretty much gotta reside in LA or NY if you really want to break into the movie business. So by the time she could be independent she'd just found different interests by then.


She became a teacher. I think she just wasn't all that thrilled with the entertainment industry, what she saw of it.

The kid from the Shining also was one and done with movie making. Coincidently, he also went on to teaching, but he teaches college biology. He also didn't like it. It can be a grind, going to auditions and all that. If you don't have that love of performing, it might not seem worth it.


Some great replies to this question.

I'd like to also add that it was a Cameron movie and he is well known for his demanding environment during production, so it would have been a grueling whirlwind of sudden work for Carrie as a child.

Thinking about it further, it must been one heck of a big introduction to acting for a first-time child actor considering it was a sci-fi-horror-action movie with stuff happenings, lots of guns and swearing, etc. Quite different to a comedy or drama, or even a sci-fi without those elements.

So not surprising her and/or her parents wanted to not do it all again after such an experience.

She was lovely and I'm kind of glad we saw her once and once only in this amazing film.
