MovieChat Forums > Witness (1985) Discussion > The silo death scene

The silo death scene

I thought it was corny.




Ugh that scene disturbs me SO much. If you pay attnetion to the guy's close coughing, its hard to see but he coughs up a thick wad of corn and what looks like a mix of snot/blood.

So disturbing in an non-violent type of way. The underside shots of him coughing hysterically and bending over, very shocking.


I agree; just watched Witness last night (for the umpteenth time) and that scene still disturbs me. But the original poster's pun was amusing. :)


Most shocking, yes, but it helps to remind yourself that he was a cereal killer.


You dirty guy. I thought of your response at work, and I giggled all day.

By the way, this scene is used virtually shot-for-shot and blocking-for-blocing in some Asian movie that was on cable the other day.

I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the movie because of your comment.


The filming of that scene always amazed me. I can't imagine the actor and crew doing repeated takes. It pretty much had to be perfect right away. No way that was pleasant.


I hate myself for enjoying that.

"And no regrets?"


He died alone...

so it was a solo silo death!

ridiculous way to go also...

so it was a silly solo silo death!


Picture seemed a little grainy.


I thought it was totally tubular.


i think the point here is he died slowly and painfully. unlike mcfee!


Hominy times did he die?

She was a junkie for the printed word. Fortunately, I manufactured her drug of choice!


love the puns...but i just watched this and it looked "real"...i mean the camera in with the guy, it looked painful to watch. i'm roaming around looking for some answers about how they shot it, but to me, it didn't look like too much acting to me. they stuck a camera in with the guy and shot him inhaling a lot of dust.
i'm gonna post here my main thought...did kelly and harrison actually consumate in the cornfield? there was a cut from them passionately kissing and kelly dressed in the kitchen when the "bad guys" showed did they do the "do" or just made out?


Harrison Ford, later in the movie, when he leaves to go back to “his world”, says -- “if we had made love, I would have to stay, or you would have to leave”. In other words, it never happened!

She goes on to marry the tall handsome guy who sold the other Amish a horse with one b*ll! Of course, if they did “do it”, the tall guys first son may turn out to be “stumpeg”!

She was a junkie for the printed word. Fortunately, I manufactured her drug of choice!


Harrison Ford, later in the movie, when he leaves to go back to “his world”, says -- “if we had made love, I would have to stay, or you would have to leave”.
He doesn't say that when he leaves, it's before that happens. It's the day after he sees her bathing and watches her from the doorway.

I'm a great listener. Just ask the television.


This thread is hilarious ! Had to look up "hominy" though ..



Killed in a silo by Solo.


He came to be known as Han Silo.

On a related note, the actor who played the guy who died in the silo was Angus MacInnes, who was also one of the Rebel pilots in the first Star Wars movie. He was "Gold Leader" according to IMDb.


That's a great spot, I thought he seemed vaguely familiar.


I for one, was amaized by that scene.

Aw, shucks.


At least John Book survived with barly a scratch...

"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"


the bad guy who died probly deserved it since he was part of the bad cop side. I was going to make a corn joke but theyve all been taken. But he was up to his ears in trouble! BTW The 1988 tv cop comedy SLEDGE HAMMER did an awsome take on Witness in an episode called "Witless". Youtube it and youll find it hilarious!!!


Hey, thanks for pointing out that spoof from "Sledge Hammer." I'd never heard of the series, but you're right, it is hilarious -- and lots of little links to "Witness," like the car knocking over the birdhouse.

The actual URL for that clip is here:


They could have checked his Pulses to see whether he was alive?

"Knowledge is cheap at any price"


I could barely see what was happening - the image was so grainy.


The scene is ingrained on my mind forever!


*rim shot*


it had a kernel of truth.

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


Aw shucks that was a lot of corn


The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison


All that Corn on the Cop was more than I could stand.


That was barley worth reading.
