MovieChat Forums > Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) Discussion > At what age do kids generally stop belie...

At what age do kids generally stop believing in Santa?

I ask this only because my cousins (from Belgium) are coming to stay over the New Year period, and my Uncle and Auntie want us to act as if the youngest (who is 9) still believes in Santa. This seems remarkable to me because I distinctly remember when I was 9 my then best friend said he believed in Santa, and I didn't believe him because the concept that anyone our age still believed was ridiculous. At the same time I know some aspects of maturing are encouraged earlier in the UK than most other places. But the thing is I don't think I even had to be told that he didn't exist when I was a kid, I just reached that conclusion when I was 7 or 8, and frankly, it wasn't traumatic at all. My older cousin (11) certainly hasn't believed in it for a long time, even though I don't think he's ever discussed it. I suspect my relatives just can't be bothered to talk to them about it.

"Who disturbs my Plasma Bath!!!?"


8 or 9? last letter I recall writing was 3rd grade


I found out on accident, my mom sent me to her closet to get something and I accidentally found a Star Wars Tie Fighter toy in there and I thought "Okay that's probably for my Birthday" and then when it showed up on Christmas the bell went off. I was probably in 1st or 2nd grade and if I hadn't of found that I probably would've went on believing in Santa for at least 2 or 3 more years. You never know. I did play it off when I opened the present so they wouldn't know that I knew. That way things could keep going with Santa for a few more years. Lol


I went from believing in Santa when I was in grade school, to not believing in Santa as I got older, to becoming Santa when I had children. I'm 63 now, soon to be 64, with nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Santa Claus is real as long as you believe him to be, so, yes, I believe in Santa.

Reality and truth are not necessarily the same thing.
