Robert E. Howard

Being a Howard fan, I must say, outside of this *ahem* film and the Marvel comic series, I can't think of any Sonja material. I know a series of novels were released in the 80s, but those were done by soem one else. So,,any other Howard fans know from whence Sonja came?

"The great only appear great because we are on our knees."


This Barbarian Sonja was created by Roy Thomas not Howard!

Howards original Red Sonja was created as a outlaw Wild West Gun Slinger,not a Hyborian Age character!


Many thanks, friend. I have not yet read all of Howard's westerns, outside of his Brekenridge Elkins stories, although I understand that the bulk of his westerns have been collected in hardback and are readily available at the Howard house in Cross Plains, about 20 miles from here.
Roy Thomas... I'm kinda thinking that he was ultimately detrimental to the Howard mythos than he was helpful...

"The great only appear great because we are on our knees."



Roy Thomas is sorta mixed bag aswel,I rememeber reading one time how he wasnt satisfied with Milius Classic "CONAN" movie,in fact he criticized it pretty harshly in some old Comic Magazine,even though Milius kept him onboard as as consulant ...Well anyway this Thomas pulled a 360 degree turn-around,claiming the usual B.S the movie wasnt "Howard CONAN" enough just before the movie hit the theaters blah,blah ...

And so Roy Thomas then wrote "CONAN the Destroyer" which proved this doofus was a complete A-Hole and couldnt write a solid storyline let alone GOOD script by himself witout directly copying from Howard's work like he did with the comics,once he ran out of Howard material ,you could see the stories got more and more dumb.In fact he utterly destroyed the Conan movie franchise along with Dino and Fliesher,more importantly he mangled the Conan character far more than Milius ever could be blamed for doing!


To complicate matters, Howard's character was called Red SonYa (with a "y") while the definitive version we all know was created by Thomas and is spelled Red SonJa (with a "j").

Since the Marvel RED SONJA is nothing like the Howard RED SONYA I wonder if you can consider RED SONJA a Marvel character?

Does Marvel own the rights to her?


When Marvel was enjoying so much success with CONAN (I recall picking up their first stab at the character back in the 1970s), they decided add Red Sonja to the cast of characters and relocate Red Sonja, chronologically; making her one of Conan's contemporaries. (In Howard's tale, she lived at a much later date.) Marvel seems to have licensed several Howard properties over the years, as they pitted his Solomon Kane character against Dracula in one of their Seventies B&W mags, DRACULA LIVES, as well. (The company would also launch a short-lived monthly color comic about Kane, and give Sonja her own color monthly, too.)

A slight correction: Up above, Bane1115 states that Red Sonya (Howard's own spelling) was a western gunslinger. Robert E. Howard only wrote one Red Sonya tale, "The Shadow of the Vulture," and she's actually a Russian adventuress fighting against the Ottoman Empire in the 1500s. (Another swashbuckling lady from Howard, Dark Agnes of the author's SWORD WOMAN saga, was also a redhead.)


She was a Marvel character at one time, now she is at Dynamite Entertainment.

Last movies seen:

The Hitcher (1986) 7.5/10
The Hidden 8/10



As usual, Warrior, you know nothing of what you're talking about. Howard's Red Sonya was a Russian mercenary in 1529 Vienna, not a Wild West gunslinger.



i think it's based off of 2 howard characters
