MovieChat Forums > Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985) Discussion > Do you ever randomly quote the movie ......

Do you ever randomly quote the movie ... just to randomly quote it?

Lately, my quote of choice is "ANDY!"

"FRA-GEE-LAY. That must be Italian!"
"I think that says 'fragile', honey."



"I say we hang him, then we kill him"

"I say we scalp him, then we tattoo him, then we hang him, then we kill him"

(pee wee) I say we let him go

(everybody) NO!!!

"It's simple the one who returns it is obviously the one who stole it. So they don't deserve a reward haha"

"I'm listening to reasons"


"Paging Mr. Herman. Paging Mr. Herman. Call for you on line one." in that really fake, deep voice. I did that at work the other day and caused my co-worker to spit up his soda he was laughing so hard.


I've quoted all these lines over the past 24 years.


Exhibit Q! A scale-model of the entire mall!


"go ahead scream your head off! We're miles from where anyone can hear you!"


Now that my friend is clear case of him or me..and you best believe,it ain't gonna be me"


I do and my friends that have known me forever understand, those new ones think I'm weird when I ramble off a line...oh and I can do the Pee Wee laugh perfectly and talk about looks I get when I do that. LOL

The other day my six year old and I were brushing our teeth and I did the "brush, brush, brush....MADDOG" thing and let the toothpaste fall out of my mouth and she thought I was nuts!

"Can you say ADOBE?"


"Spearmint?...Or fruit?"


Whenever my sister tell me about something positive that has happened in her life, I tell her <i>"good for you and your faaah-ther."</i> Every time!


When I bought a car...the salesman's name was...ANDY!
My brother asked whether Andy chased me all over the car lot with
a muffler pipe or dinosaur bone in order to get the sale.

"Is this something you can share with the rest of us Amazing Larry?"


My mom likes to say, "I say we let him go!" and we laugh hysterically. And the other day someone brought up the name Frances and I said it in that tone of voice that Pee-Wee used when he realized Frances stole his bike. I got a kick out of it, but no one else understood.

Just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there.


Anytime someone asks me if I'm ready, I always say, "Doesn't it look like I'm ready? I am ALWAYS ready! I have BEEN READY since first call!"

My family and I always say, "I'm going to start a paper route right now!"


People always say I take myself too seriously (much like Pee Wee does!) but when I'm walking around I often start thinking "I'm a loner Dottie. A rebel." It always makes me laugh out loud.

I look serious but I have funny movie quotes always running in my head.


I feel ya. I recently started dating a girl who is 25 (I'm 30) so she didn't grow up with Pee-Wee per say, but I said to her hoping for a good laugh

"You don't want to get mixed up with a guy like me Dottie. I'm a loner, A REBEL!"


I wanted to include that I work in a company where people ask me a ton of questions daily. And sometimes they'll ask if I can recall some document or some file and I say while looking down with a deep pondering stare.

"I... I remember... the Alamo."

I also say to my sisters as I'm wallking off.

"See ya later, Bucks-TON. Hehehehe!!! Hehehehe!!"

With the creepy laugh and everything. They love it


I'm able to sprinkle a line from this movie into my every day dialogue...but my favorite is whenever I'm driving on 1-80 in Pennsylvania I hum the night driving song and scream "Mickey! Mickey! Wake Up!. to whomever my passenger is.

For those who don't know I-80 Pennsy. They have high scary roads winding around a mountain and "falling rock" signs.


Just this morning while fixing my tea I randomly said out loud, "Uh... fruit please", even though it had nothing to do with my tea as my tea was unflavored.

I just have always loved the way Francis' dad says, "Uh...fruit please" whenever Pee Wee offers him a stick of gum.


just yesterday I was wiping my face with a napkin and I made the sounds Pee Wee makes while wiping his mouth. "mmm....mmm....mmm"


Some time ago, it seemed like rain and my sister asked me to look out the window to see how it looked. Sister: "What do you see?" Me: "I seeeee.......A BICYCLE!"

We had a good laugh.

"That's what a gym teacher once told me."


I also use the "Doesn't it look like I'm ready? I am READY! I have been ready since first call!"

Exhibit Q! - - I don't know why, but I use that a lot too

"Au revoir Simone"

And if I can find a way to sneak it into a conversation... "Shrunken head... normal size... AHHHHH!!!!!"


My brother and I have watched this movie a million times growing up. It's kind of like our inside joke. I even sent it to him in a care package when he was in Iraq.

We are always randomly texting each other quotes or posting them on each other's FB walls ......LOL
