MovieChat Forums > Out of Africa (1985) Discussion > Truly..the worst film ever

Truly..the worst film ever

"The Worst Film Ever." This is quite a common refrain on IMDB. It took me 20 years to come around to expressing my views about this film. "The Worst Film Ever." I saw this in the discussion board about the movie "Sideways." I am so very sorry, but "Sideways" doesn't even hold a candle to this god awful movie, if that's what you want to call this absolute waste of celluloid.This movie was just down right boring. I paid more attention to the happenings going on in the theatre then on the screen. My brother was so bored with this picture he fell asleep in the theatre. I tried to wake him a few times, but he just fell right back to sleep. His snoring became so loud that some of the other theatre patrons complained. They called the theatre usher to tell my brother to either wake up or just leave the theatre altogether. When it came out on VHS in 1986, my mother rented a copy from the neighborhood video store. I warned her about this movie. I told her that she would be disappointed. She loved Robert Redford and wouldn't listen to word I had to say about this film. Sure enough..she became so disappointed with this movie - she pulled the plug on this movie before it was even half way over. The movie was just that bad.


This is one of the worst films I had ever to sit through. First of all, I found the screenplay really, really offensive. Karen Blixen is shown as a good person who brings enlightenment to the natives which I find a very strange depiction of colonialism. Apart from that, the story is incredibly slow moving and just plain boring. Other films like "Gone with the Wind" manage to be engaging although they are long. Karen Blixen is one of the flattest characterts ever to reach the screen- a wronged woman, a good person, a mater dolorosa. There is absolutely no depth or realism to this character. The film is famous for the landscape shots: that's exactly one of the problems. Instead of telling a story properly, Pollack relies too much on showing beautiful African landscapes.


Oh, come on. It's a flawed movie, but not even close to being the worst film ever.


Oh my God!

These poor people who can not FEEL and SEE the INCREDIBLE BEAUTY of this STUNNING and Heart-felt Movie.

You people were BORED....because YOU are BORING STUPID PEOPLE !~

It's a Masterpiece! You MORONS!


There is no apostrophe in morons as it's not a genitive.


Probably not. But the fact that it is so pretentious makes it a very offensive film for me.




Finally, we're getting the grammar right! Now let's try the use of capital letters next.


You're HEARTLESS & ANAL. No wonder.


the only thing that made me watch this movie was its sound track


Wow..people who find this the worst film ever..really need to watch more movies.
This is one of my favourite films, and I wasnt bored at any point. Everything about it was beautiful. But hey, I can't expect everyone to feel the same way, some people just don't have the attention span to sit through these kind of films, which is too bad.


I just ran across this thread and it appears to be almost reaching the running-time of the movie (3 years and counting). Well, the running-time seems that way!

This is actually my first post on IMDB but I just had to share.

True story: I actually use this movie as a guide as to whether or not to trust someone's opinion when they give me their opinion of a movie.

I ask them what they think of the movie, "Out of Africa." If they say, "I loved it!", I immediately reverse their review of the movie on which they've shared their opinion. If they loved it, I assume I'll hate it and vice-versa.

However, if they say they hated it, I usually place their opinion in high regard and go with what they said.

IMHO, it basically boils down to this. If you love slow-moving, inter-personal relationship movies where plot is not necessarily a necessity but misery or tragedy is, then you'll love this movie.

If, on the other hand, you prefer a little action, unpredictability, or uplifting moments in your entertainment, then search elsewhere.

You can also substitute Steel Magnolias or The English Patient above if they've (thankfully for them) never seen this, uh, "clasic".

p.s. FWIW, I don't hate all slow-movers. I loved Redford's "The Natural."


Oh thank GOD someone else on this board is saying this movie isn't very good. Now I THINK what the OP should've titled this as is "truly..the worst film ever to win best picture." Then I wouldn't complain, because I can sincerely say this is one of the worst. I like slow movies (i.e. 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Ordinary People, etc..), but holy crap almighty nothing happens for 160 minutes, then it's over.

I'm not a cinematic genius and I've only just graduated high school, but I can tell art from snobbish, sluggish film-making. This movie is too stuck up for it's own damn good. Maybe my hopes were too high (I was hoping that it wouldn't, I dunno, SUCK)...The Color Purple didn't need those Oscars anyway. It will flourish with time while Out of Africa will be forgotten.


I saw Out of Africa recently, and it is easily one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune of watching. I agree with you and OP about this ****storm of a film, it sucks, plainly.


What a terrible waste. And what utter bores your family must be.


To the OP:

20 years and this screed is the best you could come up with?

"My brain rebelled, and insisted on applying logic where it was not welcome."


Obviously you have not seen any movies with Dan Ackroyd,Will Ferrell,Adam Sandler et al in them. OOA is not bad its just unbalanced by the casting of Redford 9done for marketing reasons I'm sure). Streep is always excellent value in any movie I have ever seen her in - though I cannot bear the thought of Mamma Mia so I have not been out to see that one.


Oh dear! Another dumb Yank by the sound of it.


Clearly you haven't seen Under the Tuscan Sun or Eraserhead. I'd put those two way ahead in the worst category. In fact Wanted would be a runner up as well. (Assassins who get messages in a loom, and curve bullets...riiiiiiiight.)

Out of Africa is one of the period movies in the 80's showing the changes in our times in the context of changes in the early 20th Century. There is a love story that even in today's society people seem to get freaked out about relationships and how the "must" be defined.

The problem is for modern audiences, the Micheal Bay short attention span type movies seem to forget that there are human stories too, not just big crashes, explosions, and impossible stunts. The movie is lush, and beautiful. There is a feeling of sadness, and longing in it. It's probably better stated that it's a poetic film, rather than your usual fare.

Still its very enjoyable, with interesting characters. One has to remember the times its in. Back then divorce left you a social outcast. Flying was a new technology, and the age of imperialism and exploitation of lesser developed nations was changing.

But, if you want a similar theme, and a more passionate love story watch Bridges of Madison County. But I like the overall feel of Out of Africa. I get the same feeling when I watch Mediterraneo, and that movie is truly a work of art.

I think you need to watch more movies or travel more if you think it's the worst film ever.


I watched and enjoyed Mediterraneo. I'm a fan of many films and have a distaste for "the Bay era" of using (BOOM sloooow mooooo "look out!") in the place of things like character and plot.

I'm going through a lot of best films right now in an effort to broaden my movie viewing horizons. I've read through a lot of opinions on this film, and am interested to see The Color Purple.

The arguements for this being a good film are the cinematography, and the acting/directing of the film.

The arguements against boil down to a lack of plot/progression, Redford's acting, and the overall length of the film.

IMO, this film lacks in plot and fails to figure out what story it is trying to tell...

Is this about her farm? The betrayl she encounters from the various men in her life? Her kindness to the local Africans in her employe?

While I realize that the director is telling the story with one hand tied behind his back because it is a True story, he did take the liberty of cutting out the miscarriage of her child.

To those who argue that this is a great film, what in the story is so great about it? What story is it trying to tell? Other true stories like "Gorrilas in the mist" tell a decent story. "Gone with the Wind" is considerably longer, but manages to keep interest the entire way.

I understand and appreciate the various depths of the characters. She's an early feminist icon, he's a machismo icon for his stance against marriage. In GWTW they summarize half of Redford's character by saying "I'm not the marrying type"

The characters are far from relatable, unless you have lived in Africa, and I suppose what I dislike about the film is that you can see the beginning and the end, but there is no middle. Why is there no middle? The story doesn't have one..

Fantastic photos of Africa and the telling of a story of an accomplished author does not equal compelling film. Flamers get your flame throwers ready, but I haven't seen anyone point out (besides cinematography, score, and the cast/crew) what is actually "good" in the film.


As someone who HAS seen a lot of films, I didn't think "Out of Africa" was great, and am rather shocked that this movie won the Oscar for Best Picture over "The Color Purple." This film nearly put me to sleep. The acting was not great. In fact Meryl Streep almost sounded half asleep when reading the narrations. The only thing that stood out as good in this film was the musical score, other than that, "out of Africa" is just a meandering, boring film unworthy of a Best Picture award. It really goes to show you how political the Academy Awards were at the time, because there is no way this film would have won over "The Color Purple" today.


I have to disagree with you. Although I respect you mind and opinion. You do not need to aprecciate a movie, because others are telling you to do it.

To me Out of Africa is simply a masterpiece. Everything that you need is there. A beautiful work of direction by Sidney Pollack, great actors in great roles, like Meryl Streep, Robert Redford and the splendid Klaus Maria Brandauer. The script based on the memories of Karen Blixen is just fantastic. The beautiful soundtrack, the gorgeous locations in Kenya. Dear Lord, it is such a brilliant movie. I must say that the 80's were such a great decade for movies. Nowadays, everything seems to be shallow and pointless!
