Did Coach Schneider know Krueger?

I like to think he did. I like to think they may been friends when Krueger was alive, though I highly doubt Schneider knew it was Krueger who was killing the kids. Once Krueger was caught Schneider disowned him as a friend. Schneider did not take part in the lynch mob, but as Freddy was running from the parents he went to Schneider's house to ask if he could hide there but Schneider refused. It would explain why Krueger killed Schneider in this movie.


Seems possible. Great theory! Now hit the showers!

"Hail to the King, Baby!"


I believe Schneider was indeed part of the mob that killed Krueger all those years before. The very few times that Krueger went after an adult in these movies, it was because they had been part of his lynch mob, so I presume the same rings true here.

Coming in September!



Could definitely be a Krueger associate as he was about to tie Jesse up in the shower and do ungodly things



This brings up a good point: how did Krueger interact with Springwood residents before he was found out? The movies don't really go into depth because whenever we hear of Krueger in relation to the residents it's always after he's been found out. But considering his fetish for murdering children and creating various torture implements (beginning of the first movie shows that he has more than one glove), maybe he was part of the BDSM scene for a bit before his crimes were revealed?



I don't think that was the point. Freddy was testing how far he could go with his possession of Jesse so he selected a target that Jesse hated to minimize Jesse's resistance and facilitate a 'Test Run'
