Is Jesse Gay?

Think of it this way alright, besides the fact that he went into a gay bar all on his own, he is also the most effeminate (spell check?) guy of any of these movies. He was basically pushing Lisa away from him the entire movie, and some of the outfits he were (even for the eighties).

Then think of the unobvious, he LITERALLY has another man inside of him. "Something is trying to get inside my body."

Now the obvious argument is well he made out with Lisa in the Cabana and they were supposed to be like dating. I can't tell you how many people in this world have come out of the closet after being married for twenty years or had numerous girlfriends. So that argument doesn't exactly fly.

I know this movie has a lot of homosexual overtones, but this was something I had never considered before.


Don't forget the "No chicks allowed" sign on his door.



Much of it was indeed the nuances that the actor unknowingly brought to the character during his performances. If Christian Slater or Brad Pitt had landed the role instead of Patton, I doubt much of this 'gay' discussion/theory/legend would exist to anywhere near the same degree.

Coming in November!


No, no, Nooo, hell no


The writer of the script admits that he put homosexual overtones in the movie.

We know that the actor is gay.

And then the writer explains that some of the decisions the director made took his overtones and made them more obvious, probably unknowingly.

It is what it is, and what it is is homosexual.

By the way, I am right behind you.


Why does anybody ask this? It was and is in your face gay. They threw under tones out the window on this one. HIV just started and people were freaked. The only other movie to attack sexual politics during this decade was Hellraiser.


Yeah Hellraiser was pretty obvious too. I actually watched that for the first time a few weeks ago and it had S&M Sex written ALL over it.

By the way, I am right behind you.


Just wanted to add that there is a "board game" in Jesse's bedroom "closet" called "PROBE". I grew up in the '80s and I don't recall any board games by that name.

For those that need it spelled out, "Probe" is obviously in reference to gay sex, as in "Anal Probe". There's even lubricant sold by the name of "Probe"


Just wanted to add that there is a "board game" in Jesse's bedroom "closet" called "PROBE". I grew up in the '80s and I don't recall any board games by that name.
Years active: 1964 to 1982.


We had Probe in the 70s and 80s and played it all the time - it's like hangman - but it is funny that a game with that name is in Jesse's closet!


Is the movie gay? Yup. I think there are moments of bisexuality in it, as I don't really think Jesse doesn't love Lisa, but Jesse is having a hard time coming to terms that he is attracted to both sexes. And it's a neat movie because not only do we see Jesse try to come to terms with that, but how Freddy uses it as a way to find a body to possess as well.



The movie itself has gay/homoerotic overtones and I do think that was intentional by the writer. I don't think Jesse is supposed to be gay. I think the writer was gay and it just came out while creating the story. But still...the actor is gay but the character is not supposed to be...but he still came off as being gay no matter what. Does that make sense?

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