Sarah Jessica Parker?

Anyone else notice that the girl standing at the parents funeral (background) looked a lot like a very young Sarah Jessica Parker? Just an observation, probably wasn't her. I haven't seen this movie in years (my brother's favorite). We watched it over and over and over back in 1985-1986 (when we were "new kids" in New Mexico from Ohio).



Same here.


It's not her. She is only 1 year younger than lori Loughlin, and she made "Footloose" with Kevin Bacon, 2 years prior to this movie.

- but there IS a big resemblances, I'll admit that. Just seen this flick now. Not bad at all. :o)


yeah I noticed that little girl, and was like is SJP in this movie (small part)? then I realized that she and Lori are very close in age.


i don't recall a horse at the fair, but maybe
