MovieChat Forums > Legend (1986) Discussion > LOTR meets The Temple of Doom meets Exca...

LOTR meets The Temple of Doom meets Excaliber

Never fully sat down to watch Legend start to finish until tonight. previously when it came on TV just saw the odd scene before switching over .. always knew it was Ridley but just wasn't into the fairy tale look/vibe of it despite liking other 80s sword/sorcery fantasy movies like Krull.. in fact I think I can remember it actually being in theatres .. not seeing it but being aware of it the posters, maybe a trailer before something like BTTF or View to a Kill idk

Anyway had it saved to watch on my YouView past year or so (European/Goldsmith Directors Cut) and started watching the opening and then just continued the whole thing. Obviously incredible Ridley visuals etc but was struck how some stuff felt very Temple of Doom inspired (as were other movies around that time immediately after Doom - Mad Max 3, Young Sherlock etc) as well as Excalibur, and how alot of stuff seemed to pop up years later in LOTR (which was no doubt inspired in part by Legend and other 80s sword&sorcery movies) and even certain visuals in Prometheus/Covenant


It is visually his best film.
