MovieChat Forums > Ladyhawke (1985) Discussion > Ladyhawke Music Lovers Anonymous.

Ladyhawke Music Lovers Anonymous.

(stands up). My name is The Ocelot, and I love the music in "Ladyhawke."


Count me in as another lover for the music from Ladyhawke!


(Stands on desk) Oh Captain! My Captain!

...sorry, just felt that coming on.

*Ahem* My name is DreamSequence and I LOVE the music in Ladyhawke!


Five years later . . . great to see this thread still alive!

Remember, always be yourself.
Unless you suck.

-- Joss Whedon


I like the music too. I really like just everything about this movie.

I can only conclude I'm paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate.


Hi. I LOVE this movie and its music. I have it on vhs and dvd and have the soundtrack on vinyl and cd.


Me too. I listen to a lot of 80's material and this is one of the better soundtracks of the 80's and even a good album of the 80's on its own.


I don't even need to be anonymous - I'll nail my colours proudly to the mast!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I love the music of Ladyhawke too...!

- - - -
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger"... Nietzsche (Conan The Barbarian Opening)


I do too. somehow reminds me of the old batman series :)


(stands up). My name is EyeInSky, standing on the side of the moon that is dark, and I love the music in "Ladyhawke."


My name is linidap00h and I too LOVE the music/score in Ladyhawke. I'm really surprised that there are people who didn't like it. I thought it was the best soundtrack ever back then and even now still. I can't think of the movie without hearing the soundtrack as it brings a heavenly sense of nostalgia of the 80's.
