How do jerks like Greg

How do jerks like Greg get voted as Prom King? He treats everyone in school like trash, how could or why would anyone vote for this jerk?


Suppose being good looking is all that matters.

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Greg Toldand is a badass in every sense of the word! Just because he had a problem with nerds does not make him a bad person!


Zabka is the 80s Bully King. I would beat myself up if he told me to.


his peers are intimidated by him; but, no doubt, William Zabka is an all-time great bully. from what i heard some time back, he teaches acting classes in So Cal and is a real cool guy. i'm not surprised; it's takes talent and imagination to be the pecker head he portrayed in film.


The scene where the two "alien nerds" walk by him in the cafeteria, you can tell that William is trying not to laugh.

<3 Amber
"Ever Dance With The Devil in the Pale Moonlight?"


which cafeteria scene? there are several. i don't know why, but the alien nerds crack me up. i love the random crying sound that they make when they get separated in gym class.


Almost 2 years after this post was made, I have to say it made me actually Laugh Out Loud! Too funny, condking!


there was an article on msn that said jeks usually are the first to get promoted. Even though they are jerks they bring something to the table. What Greg brought to the table. That I do not know.

I apologize for grammatical errors- a side effect of IMDbing on my iPhone.


As someone who to multiple high schools is in the late 80s I can tell you at least back then it was based on looks and popularity. While he was a bully many in the school knew him. As a teen when I’d vote on school stuff I’d vote for who I knew not liked or thought deserved the vote. Plus there is peer pressure even though the vote is secret i still felt pushed to vote for someone even if they were a jerk
