Constant yelling

I'm 30 year old and like these kind of movies. Wathing this for the first time now, and I love the atmosphere, and so cool to see corey Feldman in his kid-prime. 50 minutes in, and why can't this movie take 1 minute off the yelling? It's annoying. Am I the only one annoyed by this?


I'm not sure what you mean but I think this is one of the worst films ever made. It is on TV now, and I haven't seen it for 15 years. The film is truly annoying due to yelling and awful direction. And it could have brought atmosphere if it truly tried.

--- Once Upon a Time in the West ---
Keep your loving brother happy! - Frank


This movie stay on TV now I brought the DVD 2 years ago, classic movie but I agree the screaming is annoying. Especially Chuck he was truly annoying.


Am I the only one annoyed by this?

No. But probably in the minority.

Let's be bad guys.


It has huge nostalgia value, so it doesn't annoy me - but plenty of "young people's" films annoy me these days because I find them contrived and try far too hard to be hip and cool.


I'm watching this film now, and the yelling is very very annoying.


I feel like I should be annoyed by it, but I'm not. Although I certainly wouldn't want to be around Chunk's hollering, his character doesn't get on my nerves. I just see all the yelling as... realistic.

You want something corny? You got it!


I've never been bothered by the kids yelling. However, the loudness=comedy is something of director Richard Donner's trademark, as the Lethal Weapon films and Scrooged have numerous scenes with characters yelling.


I love this movie and didnt find they yelling annoying at all and I was 23 when I saw this movie back in 85


The "yelling" in this movie never bothered me. Having said that, I don't think I'd wanna spend more than 3 minutes around kids like that in real life.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


I agree with ya, those kids so obnoxious. I know the film is beloved by many but I have no desire to watch it again.


I have never understood why people on these boards as so easily annoyed by kids.


Yes, I wished the movie could have slowed down a few times to let the kids have a normal conversation for a few minutes, just for contrast. The relentless screaming and yelling gets exhausting after a while.
