Very bad...

wow just got done seeing this : /

This was really bad, and not in a good way either. I mean, I often like "bad" movies because they are usually entertaining and funny; but I rarely laughed at this. I've yet to see the sequels, but they can't be any worse.

Say hello to my little friend!


I agree it's a terrible movie.
There's not even a watchable scene !

"Hate is baggage, life's too short to be pissed off all the time".



I liked it.
A bit.

About the sequels - I thought Ghoulies 2 was much worse, but the Ghoulies Go To College was quite funny if you ignore the actual Ghoulies. I haven't seen Ghoulies 4.



Hmmmm... Let me reply in the following way. GHOULIES WASN'T THAT BAD! It was original to say the least, not like the sequals (excluding ghoulies 2, that was the best of the series). Anybody who didn't like Ghoulies either:
A.) Dosen't watch B movies
B.) Dosen't like "Gremlin" genre movies
C.) Is a moron
D.) Dosen't like horror comidies at all and didn't take the time to think about what they were looking for in a movie.
And shut-the-hell-up omnidirectionalbadger! Ghoulies 2 was the best of the series, Ghoulies 3 and 4 sucked. Why did the Ghoulies need to talk? That sucked! And 4 was the worst because the orginal murdering fun-loving demons we all know and love were taken out and replaced with 2 midgets in Ghoulies costumes that weren't even supposed to be the ghoulies from the 1st 3 movies!
Jeez, you guys are so single minded...


I've never seen a movie worse than this mess. Wow, it was that bad!


My only question is are any of you all children of the 80's or were you all born in the late 80's early 90's because if you were then any of the 80's B movies are of no appeal at all. I was probably about 6 when this thing came out and a cousin and I use to watch all this stuff once it got to cable, back then these movies were fun but if now can only be enjoyed because of the fond memories it brings back.



I am almost thitry one. I was a young girl when my older sister took me to see Ghoulies in the theaters. Sure it's bad but it is a B film. Back in the 80's these type of films were popular. Look at Munchies, critters and Gremlins. I love seeing the old fashoins. Even if they were bad at times. LOL. It was fun remembering that drugs , sex and rock roll were important back then. Plus scenes in those films were a lot memorable, some of those scenes from those type of films I still talk about, not so much about the films of today. I guess I am a big movie geek for still liking this film. It brings me back to my childhood. there are scenes in those type of films that you don't see anymore, Like people openly doing drugs, horny teenagers doing very dumb things etc. movies are made differently these days.


I can definitely understand the nostalgia thing. I have those myself but this movie is just terrible all-around. Gremlins is a classic however and holds well even today. Critters, not really. But there quite a few other 80s horror that stand the test of time one way or another. But the Ghoulies...*coughs*



Watch more movies then! This isn't even In the bottom 1000 of all the movies I've seen.

The Flicks -


Wow... someone's on a high horse.

I A. watch B-movies, B. enjoy the gremlin genre enough, C. Don't claim to be a genius, but am certainly not a moron, and D. love horror comedies and can fully take a movie in context to what it's trying to be. Braindead, 2001 Maniacs, Jason X, Feast, The Stuff, Toxic Avenger, Night of the Comet- all far better movies than this.

No one's comments were out of line. Calling people single minded because they don't agree with you IS single minded.

Yeah, this reply is 5 years late, but it still annoys me.


wow this movie was so terrible that it makes dried poo on the floor more interesting.


I also enjoy so-bad-its-good movies...but this was pretty much UN-WATCHABLE!

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this movie was beyond bad but I liked watching it just to catch a glimpse of a very young and nice looking Mariska Hargitay


I didnt even realize that was her at first! Wow, she was a hottie, huh? (Still is an attractive woman but here she was like BA-BOOM! HUBBA HUBBA!)

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I love ghoulies 2 but this is bad.


I only saw it for the first time today

I thought it could be good after the opening scene

Then it got bad

Then worse


I agree. I am a fan of such movies as Don't Go in the Woods and The Dark Power; even Samurai Cop was more entertaining than Ghoulies. It should be so bad it's good, but it's so bad I can't even focus on it.


A.) Dosen't watch B movies
B.) Dosen't like "Gremlin" genre movies
C.) Is a moron
D.) Dosen't like horror comidies at all and didn't take the time to think about what they were looking for in a movie.

A. Boy you are out of your league. Watch mad movies on MST3K, Megeladon shark attack 3, critters, toxic avenger 1-4, nukem high 1-3, killer klowns, hobo with a shotgun, beware children at play, redneck zombies, Troll 2, 100 tears, MUTANT VAMPIRE ZOMBIE FROM THE HOOD, Leprechauns especially when he goes BACK 2 DA HOOD!!! (No I'm not black) I really should just go on my netflix instant queue and just list off all the ones on there, I'm not listing all the b movies I seen just to get a tl;dr.
B. Gremlins 1 and 2 is my *beep* childhood bro, could watch those movies any day, I'll go out on a limb and say I actually liked two better, Critters is also good.
C. Not sure how that could even be a point you don't know me or anyone in this thread, that statement in itself if moronic.
D. Are really that butthurt over everybody's comments, if it's an opinion that differs from yours you lable them moronic, and they don't watch certain movie types when they're on a message board about said movie types. I hate to break it to you this movie's shi+ most on this board seem to agree. Now are you just that pigheaded or are you a master troll that just wasted my time?

TUB 4:20


I'm watching this first for the first time and I can't believe the main couple are supposed to be in college, even grad school...what a joke. The guy looks 40 and the girl at least 30's. Should be a youngish couple moving in, not a college (the boy?! a 40 year old with lines is a boy?!). The rest of the cast looks too old for college too. It's like the Big Chill cast in a horror comedy. This isn't boding well...


I thought it was actually funny until two-thirds in... and the ghoulies should have been actually doing something more than they were!

