DVD commentary was awesome!

I always listen to the commentary and I felt this one was the best I have ever heard. Director Steinman and crew are very funny and informative and their love for their experiences on A New Beginning is clear. It was one of the few times I listened to the commentary twice. Really good vibes after I watched it with the commentary a 2nd time. The fan commentary on The Final Chapter was also good and funny but part V was the only time I have laughed during a commentary.


It was hilariously funny but they could've been more informative.


"It was hilariously funny but they could've been more informative"

^Thats why they had the uberfan commentator.


the film moderator was joining via phone, and he was the films biggest fan .

if I were asked to do a commentary for a Friday film it would be either 3,4,6, or 7 or the 2009 remake


Love this commentary. I've probably heard it five times. It's just screamingly funny.

the film moderator was joining via phone, and he was the films biggest fan .
And even he isn't spared! One of the funniest parts of the track is Steinmann ribbing him about his very presence on the track: "We're not paying for this call, are we?" Felsher's a good sport though, uber-geeking it up about why the film's so memorable.

It's almost like an Abbott and Costello routine, with Shepherd dropping these dryly hilarious comments, Steinmann passive aggressively non-sequituring Reggie the Reckless all over the place, Felsher trying to express his indignation at the film's lower-than-dirt reputation, and Reggie the Reckless ignoring Steinmann's ribs.

It makes the movie better, actually; not many commentary tracks manage something like that.


After Jason Goes to Hell, the most fun commentary of the series.


I love the commentary. Every time another male character came on screen, Steinmann would be like "Who the *beep* is this?" or "This guy would make a great Tommy! Why the *beep* did we go with John Shepherd?" Shepherd questions why they gave the anger management guy the axe while Shavar Ross talks about how much he loved his red suit. Could've been a little more informative, but it is one of the funniest commentary tracks I've ever heard. RIP Danny Steinmann. :(


Totally agree. Steinmann was without question the least pretentious filmmaker ever. The part that made me laugh really hard was when Jarvis stabs Jason with the knife, and he says he stabbed him in the scrotum.

I like how he made fun of his own casting too when talking about how miscast the Mayor was.


Yeah that was hilarious! I liked the part where Shavar was asking about Violet's music and Steinmann was like "Yeah she had a topless scene I think, is that what you were asking?"


Yeah. That commentary was hilarious!

I am the Duke of IMDb bio writers! I am A#1!


One of my favorite observations during the commentary: "Why is there always someone with a New York accent in movies? Is it something that they just do?"




