Ere I am J.H.

Apart from the obvious role this phrase plays in the film, it's also an anagram of Jeremiah. Does this have some significance that I've missed? It's been puzzling me for years, so I'd greatly appreciate any insights!

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


If I am not mistaken it is said Jeremiah is the name of Sam's deceased father.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE doesn't leave!"


He’s the ghost in the machine


This movie has layers of layers. I love it. I feel like I want to re-watch it watching for Jeremiah references.

I'm going to get really, really "conspiracy theory" here, but do you suppose there's any connection to the Old Testament prophet? Gilliam's not religious, but clearly knowledgeable about religion (he participated in Life of Brian, for goodness' sake) and it seems like maybe there could be something there...? Probably not. I don't recall the Weeping Prophet having much to say about middle management-types creating a bureaucratic dystopia. I'm probably just reading too far into it.
